Friday, February 17, 2006

Superficial Religious Badge...

How do you wear your badge?

What exactly does it mean to wear a superficial religious badge...

All my life one thing I have always been told is that I am "real". Take it or leave it I am who I am. At times this hasn't been a good thing, but often it is. I never pretend to be someone I'm not. Nor do I feel like I need to wear a special badge that screams out I have it all together! I guess, I don't understand why some people feel they must? We recently discussed this during a bible study, and maybe it's because I haven't been a Christian long enough? I am still new enough that I don't feel the need to say I know it all? I totally get God?

One day I may look back at this point and say.. ohhhh totally wore my badge today But I am hoping I never have too!

This is what we were reading to start this conversation:

Catalyst: Groupzine a study for next generation leaders


One of 4 occupational hazards that spiritual leaders often face: Listed below is just one of those

The spiritual professional:

"We perceive spirituality as our job. As a spiritual "professional", we view our realtionship with God and others as our job. We attempt to feed others something we're not consuming ourselves. Those who are invovled in ministry, whether as a volunteer or as a pastor, are most susceptible to this. Our spirituality becomes a 9 am to 5 pm deal, or an "every Sunday" event where we try to turn on our relationship with God on demand. Since people expect us to be "spiritual" , we fall into the trap of saying the right spiritual cliche at the right time to meet those expectations. Our life is no longer filled with genuine love for God, but rather with appropriate expressions of spirituality."

So today... tomorrow and the day after that.. work totake off your spiritual badge! Be real with those around you. People are more likely to see Christ working through you when your not pretending to be something your not.

1 comment:

Tracy S said...

A HUGEEEE AMEN to that !!!!!!!