Friday, September 30, 2005
What Book of the Bible are you?
You are Psalms.
Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Prayer doesn't change God
Kim Hill who was born in Starkville, MS was our worship leader and incredible doesn't even begin to describe her. She has several albums out, and a deep throaty sound to her. The best part was meeting her and then the next 2 nights having her give "shout outs" to her Mississippi girls!
By far my favorite part was the "general session". Standing in a room with 5,000+ woman in it, all loving God, praising God, and just lifting up in worship was incredible. It gave me chills and on several occasions brought me to tears. God was with us all weekend, guiding each one of our hearts as MOPS leaders, as Wifes, Mothers, Sisters, and Friends.
I really enjoyed a "worship" time with Mark Schultz. This man just oozed compassion, warmth, and faith. His voice.. beyond words!! He is 100x better in person than on his CD, and I LOVE His CD. I cannot wait to see him live again. It was truly breath taking and not a dry eye left in the house. I cannot suggest enough to RUN don't walk and get one of his albums.
My favorite speaker was Dr. Kevin Leman. I had never heard him before nor read any of his books. He is extremely funny. He walked on to the stage in a bright orange Hawaiian shirt. He had some great things to say and truly put it into words anyone could comprehend. I ended up buying one of his newer books called "Sheet Music". I'll let you figure out what that ones about.. but lets just say the girls and I had a great time reading it out loud on the ride home!
All in all it was an awesome trip.... Here are a few key things we learned while awhile! This list was put together by Lori but she hit it all with a nail on the head!!
1. Prayer doesn't change God, it changes me.
2. Moms who don't know Jesus raise babies who don't know Jesus.
3. You can never shock God.
4. God wants to use me but my greatest limitation is my lack of communication with Him.
5. Being real, transparent in my relationships are the only way (do we really want to hang around a bunch of moms who pretend to have it all together?)
6. God's presence is revealed greatest through my many imperfections.
7. Use the guilt you feel as a cue to pray.
8. Don't judge yourself where you or your children are right now.
9. It's perfectly o.k. to have an unhappy child ~ these are teachable moments ~ we have the authority (may be the way God looks at us ).
10. You reach your God given potential through prayer.
11. God delights in you!
12. Live out your faith, safety is an illusion, but the Lord is strength!
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Child Dedication
Here's a little more information for you!
Child Dedication is parental recognition of a solemn responsibility and trust - a responsibility to raise your child in the nurture and instruction of the Lord. The Dedication Service provides you, as a parent, an opportunity to make this commitment public before God, your friends, and family.
Dedicating a child acknowledges God's sovereignty not only over the child, but also Mom and Dad. Parents present their child before God and His people asking for grace and wisdom in carrying out their responsibilities. Parents also come praying that their child might one day trust Jesus Christ as Savior for the forgiveness of sin.
Before the actual ceremony, it is crucial that pastors counsel parents about the meaning of dedication. The best passage for discussion is Deuteronomy 6:4-7. First, it commands parents to love God; if they truly wish for their child to one day love and follow God, their lives must be an example. This is a good time to query parents about their own personal relationship with Christ.
Second, Deuteronomy makes clear that the duty of teaching children belongs to parents; Sunday schools can provide weekly instruction, but parents must seize the teachable moments that arise throughout life. Explain the value of prayer (for example, repetitious prayers like "Now I lay me down to sleep . . .") at meal times and before bed. Urge them to read aloud Bible stories for devotions. Give them practical ideas they can implement into their daily family routines.
Sometimes it is custom for parents to choose godparent(s). Often viewed simply as an honorary title, its value however can be greatly enhanced by defining how this role will be carried out. Many godparents assume responsibility to provide cards and gifts of a Christian nature for the child on birthdays and holidays. Some periodically ask the parents how they are doing in training their child (Proverbs 22:6). Still others have arranged that in the event of the parents' unexpected death, the godparents will take the child into their home (This of course requires legal documentation).
Where in Scripture is there a precedent for dedication of a child?
Hannah presented her son, Samuel, to the Lord in Shiloh (1 Sam. 1:11).
Jesus was also dedicated to God (Luke 2:22) and He allowed little children to come to Him for His blessing (Matt. 19:13-15).
If your heart is in agreement with the purpose and the motive of the Parent/Child Dedication, then we invite you to participate. We consider this a sincere promise to God that flows out of your commitment to Jesus Christ.
It is a parent’s dedication to make a spiritual commitment to God on behalf of their child. It is a commitment that involves a lifestyle of praying for the child, teaching from God’s Word and setting a Christian example for the child. This is not infant baptism. It does not indicate or assure salvation. It does not make the child a Christian. Every person must exercise personal faith in Christ when he or she is old enough to understand the gospel.
This occasion allows the parents to publicly commit their children to God for His blessing on their lives. It is recognition that children are a temporary gift from God given to us who bear the responsibility for their spiritual development.
Friday, September 16, 2005
...100 Random Questions...
001) Do you have a cell phone? No, and 95% of the time I don't miss it!
002) Do you like boots? No - I am not into shoes!
003) Do you have a cat? Yes... a kitty Named Zoe
004) Have you ever gone bungee jumping? No, and the thought of free falling straight down ward totally freaks me out!
005) Do you wear fake pearls? Nope
006) Have you ever shoplifted? Ummm yep!
007) Have you ever stole candy from the candy shop? Yes...
008) Do you live in an apartment? No a rental house
009) Have you ever stayed up all night? Once upon a time....
010) Do you like little kids? Yes, normally
011) Do you take pictures of people's toes? Can't say that I have!
012) True or false: you have a sister named Mackenzie? No
013) Do you like to perform? Define perfom...
014) Have you ever been to Chicago? I flew into Chicago
015) Does your mom know you have a Blog? Heck no, this is private! LOL..
016) Does your mom HAVE a Blog? Not that I know of but ya never know!
017) Have you ever cut yourself (on purpose)? Sadly, yes
018) Are you famous in your own little world? Haaa what a funny question but no
019) Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes..... Michael Clark Dunkin (the HUGE black guy in Green Mile or Armaggedon)
020) Do you like Hilary Duff? ewww no
021) Do you like to take pictures of yourself? God no
022) Why are you taking this survey? Because I am an idiot!
023) Do you like oversized sunglasses? No, the 70's were 30 years ago
024) Do you like Paris Hilton? No way
025) Do you play with bubbles? Only when my son forces me too
026) Are you a redhead? Strawberry Blonde
027) How many uncles do you have? 4
028) What kind of computer do you have? One that works, really isn't that all that is important?
029) Are you supersticious? No
030) Do you read the dictionary for fun? Haven’t been that bored yet
031) Do you shop at Hollister? Do I look 16?
032) Have you ever worn fishnet tights? lol... yes...
033) Have you ever been called a loser? Yes all the time!
034) Do you have an iPod? No
035) Are you a skater? Definitely not - I always fall off!
036) Do you think spelling "skater boy" like "S8er boi" is cool or weird? Unique
037) Do you like Britney Spears? Used too...
038) Have you ever had an eating disorder? Umm hello.. have ya seen my love handles?
039) Have you ever been to Israel? Nope
040) Do you like to wear polka dots? Ewww no
041) Do you and your friends like to hang out at diners? Cracking up.. I live in MS, were lucky to have McDonalds!
042) Do you have any tatoo's? No, but I really want one with my son's name!
043) Do you speak French? I can count
044) Are you Jewish? Christian
045) Are you/were you ever a Girl Scout? YES!!!!! Can't you tell!
046) Do you watch SNL? I can't stay awake that long
047) Do you believe what you read in tabloids? Thats just trash...
048) Are you a pyromaniac? I don't think so
049) Do you have a fish? No fish
050) Have you ever partied all night? Ohh my stomache hurts just thinking about it!
051) Do you want to join the Navy? I would go Air Force first
052) Do you eat string cheese by peeling it or just biting it? Both..
053) Do you like cranberry juice? Yes
054) Do you want to be a model? No, I just want the body
055) Do you play the French horn? Nope
056) Do you call fries "French fries" or "Freedom fries" or something else? Fries...
057) Do you like sparkly things? Only big ones on my fingers
058) What does your mousepad look like, if you have one? No, mouse pad
059) Do you watch Family Guy? What’s that?
060) Do you cheerlead? When I was 13 I did!
061) Do you pop your collar? Good God no
062) Do you shop at Hot Topic? Lmao.. that stores still open?
063) Do you live in a city? Sure, if you wanna call Columbus a city!
064) Do you read Harry Potter? Nope and I don't want too!
065) Are you athletic? Not so much anymore
066) Do you like chocolate? Does it show?
067) Have you ever lived in Kansas? No but I have been...
068) Do you have satellite TV? just cable
069) Are you a dancer? No
070) Do you like Doritos? Yes
071) Do you smoke? eww no
072) Are you in a band? lmao.. no
073) Do you wear Bermuda shorts? Wish they were back in style!
074) Do you work out at the Y? No, but I want to!
075) Have you ever paid for something in all nickels? Sadly, yes!
076) Do you like strawberry ice cream? I use to but not so much anymore!
077) Have you ever passed out? From drinking.. uhh yeah.. from an injury yep that too.. from having blood drawn, just once!
078) How many bones have you ever broken? My foot was crushed into 208 pieces, Compound Tib/Fib fracture, and broke my right wrist
079) Do you make prank calls? When I was younger I did all the time!
080) Have you ever sent a lot of pizzas to an enemy so they'd have to pay for them? No but someone did it to us once!
081) Do you have a digital camera? Yes
082) Do you like shopping at Staples? I was just there the other day for MOPS supplies
083) Have you ever cut class? I'm afraid so!
084) Do you shop at abercrombie? Good God No!
085) Have you ever shot spitballs when the teacher wasn't looking? Umm I don't think so!
086) Have you ever kissed someone just to make your crush jealous? Ohh yeah!
087) Has anyone rejected you when you asked them? Of course!
088) Have you ever had a friend tell a crush you liked them? In junior high
089) Do you ski? I did forever until my car accident but I am not allowed to anymore more!
090) Are your parents strict? They were back in the day, but now I am the parent!
091) Do you play lacrosse? No
092) Have you ever been evicted? No
093) Have you ever gotten detention for something you didn't do? No, I always did it!
094) Have you and your best friend ever liked the same person? Yep!
095) Have you ever gotten drunk? Ummm... Yes.
096) Do you have a crush on a celebrity? I use to want Tom Cruise...
097) Have you ever gotten a haircut that everyone had and then the next day it was "uncool"? No
098) Have you ever got caught in the undertow at the beach? Yes, and it was super scary!!
099) Do you like steak? Yum... with Blue Cheese and Mushrooms on it.....
Benefit Special Needs and Preemie Groups (Updated Sept. 13)
Listings and needs are getting more specific and detailed for organizations in Katrina's path that focus on special needs or premature birth, or both. Here are some of the latest, in no special order:
A detailed clearninghouse-type listing from the ARC of California.
And another:
The Mississippi Chapter of the March of Dimes writes, "I apologize for not responding sooner, but our Internet has been down since the hurricane. Anything you are able to do will be greatly appreciated. Our needs right now are for diapers, wipes, ready-to-feed formula, and baby food. We took a truckload of these items and maternity clothes to the Gulf Coast last Thursday and are also providing supplies to some of the other shelters around the state. We are expecting a large shipment of baby clothes from Gymboree which will also be distributed to shelters. A shelter is being set up in Jackson specifically for pregnant women and those who have just delivered. We will be providing supplies and financial assistance to help them. Items and monetary donations may be sent to March of Dimes, 330 North Mart Plaza, Suite 1, Jackson, MS 39206." I'm going to do a box for these folks, I think.
MOD specialists are assisting with direct service and support for over 100 sick and premature babies who were transferred to Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge, and is working to obtain much-needed clothing and other supplies for displaced pregnant women and babies in the Gulf Coast area ravaged by Hurricane Katrina. Staffers are also working to ensure that those Katrina survivors who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are parents of newborn babies, receive essential information on nutrition, safe water, safe preparation of formula and the signs and symptoms of premature labor. Help will be needed over the next several months as the number of premature births is expected to rise along the Gulf Coast due to the aftermath of Katrina.
MOST (Mothers Of Super Twins) online says that needs for expectant and new mothers include basic preemie needs such as new infant car seats, breast pumps and other lactation needs, preemie and newborn diapers and clothes, Dr. Brown and Avent bottles, twin, triplet and quad strollers, and new crib linens such as sheets, mattress pads, etc."Tthis is a very partial list," the group says. "To learn more, contact the MOST office. Credit card donations can be made through MOST and designated toward this MOST Outreach: Adopt a Family program (100% of the donations go to the program, although they may need donors to help offset the cost of shipping). MOST e-mailed all families in La., Ala., and Miss. and asked if they could let us know how they are doing hoping that many were fine and still had access to e-mail They've also had area coordinators contact their local hospitals to see if any expectant mothers or newborn multiples were transferred to their facility for care.Volunteers organized local families that were available to reach out to these families in need. MOST also asked all of our members and friends of MOST (via a press release and notice on the website) to let them know if they'd heard of any families of multiples or preemies who may have been displaced, lost a family member, or in any type of need because of the storm and to please let us know, among many other attempts to help. "We want to try to get ahead of the game and start planning for the future needs of these families. All suggestions are welcome," MOST says. "Please e-mail us at" Among their families: Expectant first-time parents of triplets; the mom is currently (9/9/05) 30-weeks gestation and hospitalized in Ala.; they lost their home. Family 2 are expectant parents of twin girls (31 wks presently 9/9/05) and have a son who is 4 yrs old. The mom is presently hospitalized in WV. Family 3 is a very young military family with toddler twin boys (about 1.5 yrs) and a 3-yr. old daughter presently relocated to Mass.' "they lost their home and are in need of EVERYTHING!" Likewise Family 4, a young couple with 16-month-old twin girls. Family 5 has identical twin girls born just two weeks ago, and at least one older child, a girl born in 2001; they lost their home. Also contact Maureen A. Doolan Boyle, Executive Director MOST, PO Box 306, East Islip, NY 11730,
NAAR is banding together with other organizations within the autism community by partnering with Autism Cares-Katrina. Visit if you wish to make a donation of money, shelter, clothing, transportation, or other services to the many displaced families affected by Hurricane Katrina. Additional resource and support information may also be found through The Katrina Disaster Relief Information for People with Disabilities website at
$25,000 is needed to ship supplies and equipment, including $10,000 to get the first two trucks rolling. Send donations to Portlight Strategies Inc., Katrina Disability Relief, 3614 Back Pen Road, Johns Island, S.C., 29455, 843-817-2651. Send supplies (NOT CASH) to Paul Timmons, Katrina Disability Relief, 4900 Lewis Road, Stone Mountain, Ga. 30083, 843-817-2651. Make checks payable to Portlight Strategies Inc. (a private non-profit 501c3 entity, Tax Exempt number #58-2299951. Guidelines for shipping supplies: anything mechanical needs to be working; boxes need to have inventory listed both in indelible marker on outside and a list on the top of the interior; clothes need to be clean and appropriate for the environment; if you want proof of your donation for tax purposes, you must include name and FULL address. And join to begin to cut down on e-mail traffic.
The Department of Health and Human Services has a toll-free hotline for people in crisis: 1-800-273-TALK(1-800-273-8255). Callers will be connected to a network of local crisis centers across the country and receive counseling from trained staff at the closest certified center.
Says Bill Prickett of the Louisiana School for the Deaf (P.O. Box 3074, Baton Rouge, La., 70821, (225)769-8160 or instate (888)769-8111, fax (225)757-3424,,, "Your e-mails are finally getting through to us. Our heartfelt thanks to all of you for your concern and support in this tragedy. It is sinking in to us that this is not something that will go away next week. Our lives here in Louisiana have changed and will never be the same." LSD's campus and facilities came through unscathed, allowing them to locate New Orleans-area students and get them back in school. They have contacted students and their families in Florida, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas, as well as all over Louisiana. They are beginning to make their way to Baton Rouge to bring their child back to school. In most cases, this means providing shelter for their families. They recently 11 families (49 people) living in one of their dormitories, a number that fluctuates daily as families find apartments to rent and move out, or they connect with relatives outside Baton Rouge and move on. They're also housing LSD staffers and their families who lost their homes or have been without electricity for an extended period. "Re: the deaf community for whom we've provided shelter, this number has also fluctuated," he adds. "We've had as many as 12 or more. They come here, catch their breath, eat a hot meal, wash their clothes, get a hot shower and an air-conditioned night's sleep. We then help them contact friends or relatives who can take them in." The local service providers (Louisiana Commission for the Deaf, Louisiana Association of the Deaf, Louisiana Career Development Center, Catholic Deaf Center, First Baptist Deaf Church, Assembly of God Deaf Church, and Louisiana School for the Deaf) are coordinating services for deaf refugees. The Baton Rouge Deaf Action Center will do initial screening and connect the deaf refugees with Food Stamps, Unemployment, Social Security, FEMA, counseling and comforting, etc., and provide interpreters. LSD will provide temporary housing, food and clothing until the refugees can be relocated with friends or relatives. They expect a large number of homeless deaf people to be processed through LSD. The most-pressing need is monetary donations. The group is limited by laws and regulations as to how it can spend our state appropriation. Monetary donations earmarked for a specific purpose (hurricane relief) can be spent as needed. LSD has established a special account through which these donations will flow, the money going for clothing, toiletries, and food for the families of LSD students and the homeless deaf people who will be housed at LSD. Donations in lieu of material goods give LSD the flexibility to purchase the exact items and sizes needed, sometimes in bulk for added savings. such donations will also go for gas, and bus and train tickets to reunite these people with their friends or relatives, if possible. Make checks payable to the Louisiana School for the Deaf, with a notation "for hurricane relief," and send to Prickett's attention. "Please remember us," he adds, "in your prayers".
From the listserv Preemie Child, a mom writes, "My Sarah, an ex-32.3-weeker, now 6, just came into the room and plopped down her two piggy banks that are full of pennies and a few nickles, dimes, etc., that she has been saving for, well, a very long time. She said, "I think there should be about 18 dollars in here (which was so cute, being she has no clue as to how much is in there, and neither do I!). Do you think that would help out?" I'm so proud of her. I didn't even say anything to her about it, she just thought of it all on her own, which makes it that much better. We are going to take it up to the bank and cash it in for dollars, so she can donate it. She can't wait!"
The Schafer Autism Report has run stories on 900 autistic children being affected by Katrina in just Louisiana, and on the education rights of displaced and homeless children. They've also posted a list of some missing autistic children. The eyes mist at this, but look at it if you think you can help.
Stephanie Holbrook, on behalf of the National Library Service, Library of Congress (, 202-857-2203), writes about a free resource for host families who take in families with children who are blind and physically handicapped. "As students return to school all around the country, host families who take in children with disabilities may not have the resources to provide the materials for blind and physically handicapped students. Talking Books, a free program offered by the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress, helps provide eligible students with the reading materials they need. Through its national network of cooperating libraries, NLS mails books and magazines on cassette and in braille, as well as audio equipment, directly to the employees at no cost. Host families may call 1-888-NLS-READ (1-888-657-7323) or go to for a directory of cooperating local libraries participating in the Talking Books program and for enrollment information.
Attorney Michael A. O'Connor from the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) just issued a legal memorandum for Katrina parents, advising special-needs parents of their rights as displaced people and how to get special ed services for their kids. See
The Astrodome is full, remember, as are many other places in Houston, and they might need help. A complete shelter list is available from the Red Cross (866-GET-INFO or 713-313-5480). The Houston Food Bank, (713) 223-3700, is in need of items to help victims: paper goods such as plates, cups, diapers and tissues; cleaning supplies, such as bleach, Top Job, or Mr. Clean; bottled water (no glass containers); single-serving snacks such as Pop-Tarts and cereal bars; peanut butter; heat-and-eat foods such as chili, stew, canned pasta with sauce, and canned vegetables, any other single-serving foods that don't require refrigeration; Meals Ready To Eat; baby formula; and personal hygiene products. Evacuees at the Astrodome can receive mail at: Evacuee's Name, General Delivery, Houston, TX 77230. The Coast Guard in Houston is asking for donations to help about 50 workers in New Orleans on rescue efforts who are running out of basic supplies. Items in need include: T-shirts, underwear, toilet paper, wipes, soap, first-aid kits, bug spray, foot powder, bottled water, sports drinks, coffee, power bars, granola bars, cups of dry soup, sleeping bags and pillows, and D and AA batteries. I don't know how you'll get it to them, but maybe start with
Federally funded Parent Training and Information Centers (PTIs) and Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) are located in each state to provide training and information to parents of infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities and to professionals who work with children. See The Protection and Advocacy (P&A) System and Client Assistance Program (CAP) comprise the nationwide network of Congressionally mandated disability rights agencies See The National Association of State Directors of Special Education, "Homelessness and Students with Disabilities: Educational Rights and Challenges" is at
The California Foundation for Independent Living Centers (CFILC) has set up a relief fund on its site, Funds will go to Independent Living Centers in Louisiana, Mississippi and other areas aiding in the relief effort of people with disabilities.
To learn about the work of the Interagency Coordinating Council on Emergency Preparedness and Individuals with Disabilities, visit Good overview on what's going on.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Alex off to Preschool!
I then ask him about some of the kids and he told me he played trucks with black. (in my head I was thinking black?? Then it hit me.... ) You mean Blake honey? Mama, I said Black. Basically his attempt at saying Blake!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................. Poor Blake, my son must walk around the classroom saying Black!
Alex seems to LOVE it.. No tears and practically runs into the classroom! Ah... I love that. I love the daily reports. Today he had to tell the teacher the name of 6 fruits, he got all of them right but Pears. Hmmm... Looks like we will have to spend some time in the produce isle! But, after that he named all the colors, named them all correctly, and matched them with no help!! Yippee... Smart boy!! Then for art he made a food collage.... The teachers had cut out food from a magazine. He then had to pick foods he wanted, name them, and glue them to a paper plate!! Alex had a bowl of soup, pizza, rice, corn, and salad!! I cracked up about the salad as the teacher wrote that Alex said he loves pizza but Mama eats salad!! Haaaaaaaa
Kids are just soo funny.... Almost 2 months until Alex turns 3! WOW!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Special Report...
Yard sale went GREAT!!! FAR better than I expected. We had a steady stream right up to about 12:00! I sold all but about 5 boxes of stuff! 2 I went and donated tonight to the Katrina Victims (more news about this coming up). 2 I am saving and selling at a BIG consignment sale we have coming here this week, and 1 I placed down by the curb for FREE to anyone who wants it! I found a home for almost all Rick's Grandmothers books with a Disabled veteran. He reads about a book a day! Wow... I made about $320.00! I am banking $300.00 of it for my trip! YIPPEE!!!! So it was worth all my effort and hard work.
So, we went to donate the 2 boxes and they gave us a "revised" need list!!! Believe it or not they are still heading down there with buses and rescuing more people in the not so rural areas. A bus was leaving when we arrived and they found over 100+ people living in a "wal-mart" (or what once was Walmart) parking lot. Some had not had food or water in 24-48 hours. No shoes, some no shirts. They were going back to get them tonight!!!
- 5 gallon buckets
- Baby formula / Pedialyte
- Backpacks
- Bug spray / Cutters insect repellant
- Caps / hats
- Cookware - saucepans, skillet, spoons
- Cots
- Detergent - tablets
- Diabetic supplies and food
- Diapers
- Ensure
- Flavored water, gatorade, powerade
- Kindergarten mats, Air mattresses
- Lawn Chairs
- OTC Meds - pain, colds, heat rash
- New Socks and Underwear
- Sun Block
- Lip Balm
- Tarps, Tents, Tie Downs
- Zip Ties
- Umbrellas - handhels or 8" lightweight
- Ziplock Bags / garbage bags
- Baby products
- Batteries and Flashlights
- Beverages
- Canned Food
- Charcoal, lighter fluid, lighters
- Clorox Bleach - Bleach cleaning supplies
- Coolers (styrofoam is ok)
- First Aid Supplies
- Linens
- Paper Products
- Peanut Butter
- Personal Hygiene
- Pet Food
- Plastic Utensils and Paperware
- Portable Radios
- Rubber Gloves
- Seat Cushions
- Sleeping bags
- Snack Foods
Clothes are still being accepted on the base here! I will not accept any cash / check donations! I will pass on all Gift Cards to the local victims in need (they will not be given to the red cross, but rather the actual victims).
IF you can help and would like to ship a box please contact me by e-mail!! Thank you for all of your support and donations!!!!
March Of Dimes Reaches Out!
The March of Dimes extends its heartfelt sympathies to the thousands of Americans who are coping with the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
This special email is sent to update our volunteers, donors and friends within the Gulf Coast states on how we are responding to the crisis:
- MOD specialists are assisting with direct service and support for over 100 sick and premature babies who were transferred to Women's Hospital in Baton Rouge.
- March of Dimes is currently working to obtain much-needed clothing and other supplies for displaced pregnant women and babies in the Gulf Coast area ravaged by Hurricane Katrina.
- Our staff is also working to ensure that those Katrina survivors who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are parents of newborn babies, receive essential information on nutrition, safe water, safe preparation of formula and the signs and symptoms of premature labor.
- The March of Dimes is gearing up to provide even more urgently needed services over the next several months as the number of premature births is expected to rise along the Gulf Coast due to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
If you know someone who is pregnant and can benefit from the March of Dimes services, please have them visit our website or contact their local chapter:
Need Help? Contact Us.
Emergency Health Information Sheet
(Useful information for pregnant women or those responsible for feeding a baby who have been affected by Hurricane Katrina.)
Donate to March of Dimes Hurricane Assistance Fund
This online e-mail is sponsored by the March of Dimes, a nonprofit organization. The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality.
For more information about the March of Dimes, visit our Web site at This e-mail is for information purposes only and does not constitute medical advice.
March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 2005
Little Katrina Victims in need!
Thanks to Jeff Stimpson for compiling this list!
Benefit Special Needs and Preemie Groups
The New York blackouts of 1998 and 2003 taught me that in times of crisis, special needs become truly special. Though most of the American Gulf Coast didn't experience the sheering of civilization that wracked New Orleans, many agencies throughout the area find themselves in need of supplies, if not in need of a lot more.
To that end, here's a list of organizations in Katrina's path that focus on special needs or premature birth, or both. I've left out many of the huge organizations, such as the Red Cross, that everyone can easily reach, and tried to focus on local, maybe less-famous groups that still need help.
Scroll down until you find a few that catch your eye. I'm sure all these folks need all kinds of help. More are welcome, and as I'll be updating this list through the fall (it's tragically doubtful that the need for donations will evaporate), you may feel free to e-mail me any and all groups you hear of.
Here they are, in no special order:
From the listserv Preemie Child, a reader writes, "A friend of mine is collecting wheelchairs and other disability-related equipment and supplies to truck down to independent living centers in Mississippi and Louisiana who requested help. If there is anyone in Colorado, especially the Denver area, who has supplies or equipment that can be donated, please contact me off list. I can put you in touch with the person collecting the stuff, or I can help arrange pickup. They especially need manual wheelchairs, disposable bed pads, adult diapers, catheters and related supplies, and other supplies." E-mail clucas@DISABILITYPRIDE.COM
Unlocking Autism, based out of Louisiana, is opening a summer camp to victims of Katrina who have special needs children. Camp Yocona, Toccopola, Miss., has agreed to provide shelter for families with ASD (autistic specturm disorder) children. They have cabins that will sleep eight and each group of four to five cabins has a bathhouse. A large, commercial kitchen and dining hall is available. They have a total of 350 beds. A great GFCF cook has offered to come from Hawaii to help cook, etc. Contact Peg Pickering at 662-488-9619 or 662-509-0599. "One thing I keep forgetting to ask for is Ziploc bags of all sizes, and large garbage bags!," write Peg. "Funny, the things you take for granted." They also need clothes and diapers. Address: ASD KATRINA RESCUE, c/o Peg Pickering, 2901 Hwy 9 South, Pontotoc, MS 38863.
From Debbie Sarmento, FRCNCA Coordinator, "For those wanting to help people with disabilities affected by the Katrina disaster, please see the following incredible website: ." Clearinghouse sites such as this are a great place to start offering all kinds of help.
AutismInfo has another excellent portal for donating information. See
From Jennifer in Bossier City, La., an article on preemies surviving Katrina.
Also from the Gulf Coast, Martha writes about and , two sites seeking enthusiastic knitters in Iowa who would like to knit for a good cause. Not specific to Katrina victims, I think, but still most worthy. Martha also chimes in with Charitable Crafters, and a self-care primer for the pregnant in emergencies, from the March of Dimes. ("Yes, we are alive!" writes Martha. "We have no gas anywhere in town!")
Speaking of the March of Dimes, which is in the middle of a nationwide prematurity awareness campaign, check with MOD's chapters in Mississippi and Louisiana to see what they need most.
Family Voices is collecting for its volunteer leaders on the ground in the affected states. Donations will pay for such items and services as anti-bacterial wipes, diapers, phone cards, medical care, cash for medications, gas and food, rent, toys, and clothing. FV leaders will also help families negotiate the maze that comes with finding temporary shelter, working with insurance companies, filling out forms, signing up for new schools. See You may donate through PayPal or at Family Voices, 2340 Alamo SE, Suite 102, Albuquerque, N.M., 87106. Please mark your donation "Families Helping Families". All donations are tax-deductible. If you have any questions about the Families Helping Families Relief Fund or Family Voices, please contact Rachel Tallman,, at the Family Voices National Office at 1-888-835-5669.
Donate directly to the Texas Children's Hospital. Reference "Katrina Kid Relief" in the "in honor of" field.
The Centers for Independent Living in Biloxi and New Orleans have been gravely affected by Katrina. "Sending money is the first priority," says donation organizers. "Sending supplies to those centers is helpful, too, but not right now, because they can't get through the water." Send a check or credit card payment to the Red Cross and designate it for Hurricane Relief, or designate it for people with disabilities in the Biloxi/Hattiesburg or New Orleans areas. If you want to send money directly for the CILs dealing with this disaster, here are your options: For the Biloxi Center, mail the check (payable to LIFE of Central MS and designated for the Biloxi Center) to: LIFE of Central Mississippi, 754 North President Street, Suite 1, Jackson, MS 39202. For the centers in Louisiana (make checks payable to Resources for Independent Living - this is a branch of the N.O. center - and designate for the New Orleans center) and mail to: Resources for IL, 11931 Industriplex Blvd. Suite 200, Baton Rouge, LA 70809. Centers in Shreveport, Baton Rouge, and Lake Charles are assisting evacuees. They would also appreciate supplies if there is any way to get those supplies to the centers. The wish list includes manual wheelchairs, hospital beds, adult diapers, bed pads, catheters, and other supplies. The address for the Baton Rouge center is shown above, addresses for the Shreveport and Lake Charles centers are Southwest LA Independence Center, Inc., Mitch Granger, 1202 Kirkman, Suite C, Lake Charles, LA 70601; and New Horizons, Inc., Jerry Kidwell, 9300 Mansfield Road, Suite 204, Shreveport, LA 71118.
TheArcLink has created a clearinghouse so that family members, case managers, service coordinators or advocates can list people or families who need support. In addition, people from anywhere in the country can use the site at to offer , and other assistance. There are many people who can offer their personal services to assist in the transition of people into new locations and services, or to contribute other volunteer time, either in person or via phone. Anyone who knows of hurricane victims in Alabama, Louisiana, or Mississippi with special needs and/or families who need immediate services and supports can list them on the site. Site visitors can submit the names of those in need of temporary or permanent jobs, and can relocate or people in need of assistance can list themselves. Employers with job opportunities can list them on the site, particularly jobs with disability services organizations or other human services agencies. The site is open to any employer in any field that has jobs to offer displaced hurricane victims. In addition to employment postings, the site can be used to offer short-term or long-term housing to those fleeing from areas affected by Katrina. Specific to people with disabilities, group home vacancies and related day services opportunities can be listed. Those wishing to make a financial donation to people with intellectual disabilities can visit The Arc of the United States site at and click on the red Donate Now button. To visit the Katrina Special Needs Assistance Page, go to and click on "Katrina Special Needs Relief."
MUMS will match families who are willing to take a victim family into their home. Write to Julie at
The Autism Society of America is accepting donations. Visit where you will find the donation box on the home page.
From Deb Discenza of Preemie Magazine comes this great localized list: Alabama Parent Information Resource Center; Parent Information Resource Center of Central Alabama; Special Education Action Committee; Families Helping Families; the YWCA of Baton Rouge ; AJFC Parent Information and Resource Center; Mid-Shore Community Foundation; and the Mississippi Forum on Children and Families.
The fight against hair!
All hair removal methods have tricked us with their promises of easy,
painless removal - The epilady, scissors, razors, Nair and now...the
wax. My night began as any other normal weekday night. Come home fix
dinner, played with the kids. I then had the thought that would ring
painfully in my mind for the next few hours: Maybe I should pull the
wax out of the medicine cabinet.
So I headed to the site of my demise; the bathroom. It was one of those
cold wax kits. No melting a clump of hot wax, you just rub the strips
together in your hand and then they get warm and you peel them apart
press it to your leg (or wherever else) and hair comes right off.
No muss, no fuss. How hard can it be? I mean I'm no girly, girl but I
am mechanically inclined enough that I can figure it out. *YA THINK!!!*
So I pull one of the thin strips out. Its two strips facing each other
stuck together. Instead of rubbing them together, I get out the hair
dryer and heat it to 1000 degrees. Cold wax my rear end (Oh how this
phrase haunts me!)
I lay the strip across my thigh. Hold the skin around it tight and
pull. OK so it wasn't the best feeling, but it wasn't too bad. I can do
Hair removal no longer eludes me! I am She-ra, fighter of all wayward
body hair and smooth skin extraordinaire. With my next wax strip I move
north. After checking on the kids I sneak back into the bathroom, for
the ultimate hair fighting championship. I drop my panties and place
one foot on the toilet.
Using the same procedure I apply the was strip across the right side of
bikini line, covering the right half of my vagina and stretching down
to the inside of my butt cheek (Yes, it was a long strip) I inhale
deeply and brace myself. RRRRIIIPPP!!!!
I'm blind!!! Blinded from pain!!!!....OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!! Vision
returning, I notice that I've only managed to pull off half of the
strip. S&%T!!! Another deep breath and RRIIPP.
Everything is swirly and spotted. Do I hear crashing drums??? OK, back
to normal. I want to see my trophy - A wax covered strip with my hairy
pelt, that has caused me so much pain, sticking to it. I want to revel
in the glory that is my triumph over body hair. I hold up the strip!
There's no hair on it.
Where is the hair. WHERE IS THE WAX??? Slowly I ease my head down, foot
still perched on the toilet. I see the hair..The hair that should be on
the strip. I touch. I am touching wax. S&%T I run my fingers over the
most sensitive part of my body, which is now covered in cold wax and
matted hair.
Then I make the next BIG mistake..................
still propped up on the toilet. I know I need to do something. So I put
my foot down. DAMN!!!!!!!! I hear the slamming of the cell door.
Vagina? Sealed shut. Butt?? Sealed shut. I penguin walk around the
bathroom trying to figure out what to do and think to myself "Please
don't let me get the urge to poop. My head may pop off. " Hot water!!
Hot water melts wax!! I'll run the hottest water I can stand into the
bathtub, get in, immerse the wax covered bits and the wax should melt
and I can gently wipe it off right???
WRONG!!!!!!!*I get in the tub - the water is slightly hotter than then
that used to torture prisoners of war or sterilize surgical equipment -
I sit. Now, the only thing worse that having your nether businesses
glued together is having them glued together and then glued to the
bottom of the tub. In scalding hot water. Which, by the way, doesn't
melt cold wax.
So, now I'm stuck to the bottom of the tub!! God bless the man that
convinced me I should have a phone in the bathroom!!!!! I call my
friend thinking surely she's waxed before and has some secret of how to
get me undone. It's a very good conversation starter "So, my butt and
who-ha are stuck to the bottom of the tub!" There is a slight pause.
She doesn't have a secret trick but does try to hide the laughter from
me. She wants to know exactly where the wax is located on bottom "Are
we talking cheeks or hole or what?" She's laughing out loud by now...I
can hear her. I give her the rundown and she suggests I call the number
on the side of the box. YEAH!!!!! Right!! I should be the joke of
someone else's night.
While we go through various solutions. I resort to scraping the wax off
with a razor. Nothing feels better then to have your girlie goodies
covered in hot wax, glued shut, stuck to the tub in super hot water and
then dry shaving the sticky wax off!! By now the brain is not working,
dignity has taken a major hike and I slip into glazed donut land. My
friend is still talking with me and my hand reaches towards the saving
grace....the lotion they give you to remove the excess wax. What do I
really have to lose at this point. I rub some on and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!
The scream probably woke the kids, scared the dickens out of my
friend, but I really don't care. "IT WORKS!! It works!! I get a hearty
congratulation from my friend and she hangs up.
I successfully remove the remainder of the wax and then notice to my
grief and ..............................
So I shaved it off. Heck, I'm numb at this point. Next week I'm going
to try hair color......
Sorry Kids....
It's 5:40am, and sadly I am awake! I am having a yard sale today to try and raise some money for my trip to Texas for the MOPS Convention. Cross your fingers I make some cash. I don't have any big items this time so that's kinda a bummer, so I don't expect a huge haul or anything, But every little bit helps. Thes sale starts at 6:30 but my neighbors warned me that we coul have people out here with flash lights looking at all the stuff. BUT... I used caution tape at the end of my driveway
( heeeee) and we live way up on a big hill so they would have to hoof it up. Needless to say not a sole in site. I'll go down in a minute here and remove the tape!
I got another Moppets worker so I am up to 10 now! Woo Hoo!!!!!
Ohh and let me tell you how brilliant our electric company workers are.... they drove up our hill at 11pm on Thursday night to work on the big pole outside our house (our neighbors were hvaing problems) and the stupid guys caught their truck on our phone wires and snapped it. They left it just sitting in the yard (I realized this when my son picked up the wire and asked me what it was). Needless to say I SCREAMED at him to never touch wires like that! Thank GOD they weren't live!!! Sooo... I have no phone!! LOVELY... and our first MOPS meeting is Tuesday. Somebody better get there butts out here today and fix this thing!!! grrrrrrr........
Ok.. I better go get to work!! Wish me luck!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Hump Day!
1. Rick ended up getting an 11% raise! YIPPEE! He still is not making "enough" but at least it's more than before right?? I was really excited for him.
2. Saw a preemie at the hospital last night 2 pounds 11 ounces, Mom was maybe 19 years old, with another baby at home who will be 1 in 2 months. She delivered at 28 weeks. They still have not named her as "they just don't know what's going to happen". It broke my heart, I pointed out she was a miracle and the Mother told me "that has yet to be determined". Ugh...... Please keep the baby and Mamma in your prayers.
3. Mops starts on Tuesday and as Lori so lovingly put it we are in Mops con 5. The stress is pouring from my pores. BUT, a good news is that I am now up to 9 workers! Woo hoo!! We could use at least 5 more but at least we can have our first meeting.
4. Alex started preschool today! We have decided to do 2 mornings a week 8:30 to 11:30 on Wed & Fri. Today was day 1. He walked right in without a care in the world, he didn't even look back. No bye Mom, nothing!! Jeezzz.... I was happy for no tears but a bye would have been nice. There were several kids crying in his class and you could see he was just flabergasted over it. The teachers agreed with us that Alex is going to be left handed. That should be interesting, Both Rick and I are right handed.
5. We enrolled Alex in a Gymnastics class, 1x a week for about 45 minutes. I am excited. He is such a tumbler.. just like his Mama I guess! He starts next week and my Mom has agreed to pay for the first session! Horray!
Staying busy here.... and off to do laundry! Ahhh... a Mommy's work is never done!
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
A letter from MOPS
Mothering Maxim -a weekly e-mail from
MOPS international
Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.
Mom Moment
By Elisa Morgan, President & CEO
We live in a dark world. The events surrounding the tragedy of Hurricane Katrina continue to amaze us all. Families without food or shelter or water. Whole communities devastated. Mothers and children separated by waves of destruction and even death. And the human response of heroism on the one hand and utter depravity on the other.
In the aftermath of Hurricane Andrew, one woman took it upon herself to form a flashlight drive. She sent truckloads of flashlights and batteries to Florida because she didn't want people to be trapped in the darkness of night when there was no electricity in the area.
We all want to do something. To make a difference. To help. We can bring light into the darkness. As Paul writes in Philippians 2:15, we can "...shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the word of life..." We can twinkle.
What does that mean? What would it mean for us to twinkle?
Twinkling means praying and praying and praying for those lives that have been changed beyond recognition.
Twinkling means sending in a donation to a relief organization, doing our part financially.
Twinkling is standing against our very human tendencies toward selfishness and greed in the face of fear or when we feel out of control.
Twinkling is remembering that what we have known to be true in the light is still true in the dark:
-God is present even in the worst moments of life.
-As God has been faithful in the past, he will be faithful in the future.
-God can bring good out of even the most devastating occurrences.
Yes, we live in a dark world. But take heart and take hope. God is light. And his light is in us. When we shine his light into our world, our light changes the very nature of darkness. Twinkle, twinkle, little star.
Prayer From a Mother's Heart
Dear God, help me to twinkle and shine to those around me so that the Hope that is you can be seen by all.
At MOPS International our hearts, our thoughts, and our prayers surround the families affected by Hurricane Katrina, particularly those who are at the same time caring for young children. As we deal individually, and corporately, with the question "What can we do?" we recommend your support of the following relief organizations that are equipped to respond quickly and effectively: Salvation Army USA and Samaritan's Purse.
Hello.. Mississippi.. checking in!
In recent days, we've heard some complaints that national media - I'm sure it's largely about television outlets - have overlooked the conditions on this state's Gulf Coast in favor of the deterioration of New Orleans.
News decisions are weighed on unseen scales which can appear unfeeling.
Most often, the question is asked, "How many people will this impact for how long?" On a national level, from that perspective the question is easy to answer in terms of deploying assets - reporters, cameras, etc. New Orleans is a bigger story from that aspect alone in terms of flooding. Add the evacuation problems, the (at least limited) mayhem and the dead and we see why so much attention was paid.
But, some Mississippians argue - Why are our problems seemingly ignored?
At least much of New Orleans is still standing, they say. We have coastal towns which no longer exist - they were blown away as if by a by nuclear weapon and cities as much as three hours inland were impacted (Meridian, for example). Our northern cities are working feverishly to accomodate our neighbors from the south, opening shuttered schools and converting civic centers into long-term shelters.
Why isn't anyone paying attention to this, they ask?
As a native Alabamian, I've long suspected that national media look at the South with a jaundiced, superior eye. No one native to the South is capable of uttering a coherent sentence, the thinking seems to go.
However, in this case, I think the media are following sound news judgment on the whole.
Sure, Geraldo has, as is typical, lost his marbles a few times as word comes that some aspects of the New Orleans portion of the story have been overblown (the looting was supposedly limited to a very small area of town, for example).
But not all outlets are ignoring the plight of Mississippi and those of us in the state certainly understand how soundly the coast got licked. I know of a lady who was searching for nearly 20 friends from the coast last week. The loss of life and property there is still unfathomable.
If anyone reading this blog is unaware of the impact Katrina had on this state, please look at the following sites for a sampling.
The Clarion Ledger, Jackson
The Commercial Dispatch, Columbus
The Sun Herald, Gulfport/Biloxi
WLOX-TV Biloxi
WAPT-TV Jackson
The Meridian Star, Meridian
WCBI-TV Columbus
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Do you want to donate?
Cash donations do allow the agencies to avoid the need to store, pack, and distribute donated goods. The cost to do so becomes prohibitive which is why cash donations are currently being sought.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency listed the following agencies as needing cash to assist hurricane victims:
- American Red Cross, 800-HELP NOW (435-7669) English, 800-257-7575 Spanish.
- Operation Blessing, 800-436-6348.
- America's Second Harvest, 800-344-8070.
- Adventist Community Services, 800-381-7171.
- Catholic Charities, USA, 703-549-1390.
- Christian Disaster Response, 941-956-5183 or 941-551-9554.
- Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, 800-848-5818.
- Church World Service, 800-297-1516.
- Convoy of Hope, 417-823-8998.
- Lutheran Disaster Response, 800-638-3522.
- Mennonite Disaster Service, 717-859-2210.
- Nazarene Disaster Response, 888-256-5886.
- Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, 800-872-3283.
- Salvation Army, 800-SAL-ARMY (725-2769).
***** I am currently accepting donations (NOT CASH, only goods), these items will be given out to the refugees/survivors that we have here in Columbus, MS. We had an additional 180 FAMILIES arrive yesterday. Please e-mail if you would like to send anything. or
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Help support the babies!!! 7c62b78ec52c0e7960ee2a83002a167f/
Each doller goes so far in helping to save a child!! All it takes is a few minutes to sign up!!!!
Companies pitch in
Matthew 25: Ministries is a non profit organization run by my friends family in Ohio. They have stepped up with the Cincinnati Reds Baseball Team and Bengals Foot Ball team to collect for Katrina Victims. You can donate through them money and items!
If your company hasn't started a drive to help out the victims of Katrina... Show them this!!!
NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Corporations are contributing millions of dollars in relief aid to help cope with the destruction left by Hurricane Katrina. The following is a list of companies that have taken steps to provide aid to those in need of funds, food and medicine following Monday's storm:
Abbott , a pharmaceutical and medical products company, has pledged to contribute $4 million, $2 million in cash donations and an initial $2 million in nutritional and medical products to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. Abbott's initial contributions include cases of pediatric and adult nutritional products such as Similac infant formula, PediaSure and Pedialyte nutritional drinks and Ensure and ZonePerfect bars.
Albertson's will donate $9 million in food and water and match employee donations up to $1 million.
Alcoa will donate $220,000 to the Red Cross and will match employee donations.
Amerada Hess said it would contribute $1 million to the American Red Cross for its disaster relief efforts in responding to Hurricane Katrina. In addition, the company will match individual employee donations to the Red Cross.
American Airlines flew 85,000 pounds of bottled water and nonperishable food items donated by the airline to New Orleans. American also picked up some of its own employees, other airlines' employees and stranded travelers and flew them to Dallas/Fort Worth.
Anheuser-Busch said it shipped 12,600 cases of drinking water for the Red Cross to distribute to victims in affected areas of Louisiana.
Arby's will give $100,000 to the American Red Cross.
AT&T will donate $1 million to American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $500,000. AT&T will donate 35,000 30-minute calling cards and will establish IP-based calling centers to give evacuees and emergency workers access to free calling.
Bayer Corp. has committed $2 million in cash and product donations and will match employee donations to the Red Cross.
BI-LO/Bruno's supermarkets will match up to $25,000 in employee and customer donations to the American Red Cross.
BP is donating $ 1 million to the Red Cross.
Campbell Soup Company will contribute more than $2 million of food products, including soup, beverages and baked snacks, to the Hurricane Katrina relief efforts. Campbell will also donate $25,000 and match employee donations up to $150,000.
Cendant is matching employee contributions up to $500k and is putting banner ads for the Red Cross on subsidiary Web sites such as Avis, Budget Orbitz, Cheaptickets, Ramada and Days Inn. The company is also coordinating to provide rental cars, rental trucks as well as housing in hotels and in timeshare businesses to DHS and FEMA workers.
Charles Schwab is offers a home equity line of credit up to $25,000 as either a new line of credit or an extension to an existing line of credit. The offer will include residences that have sustained storm damage that normally would not qualify.
Chevron is making a $5 million donation -- $3 million to the Red Cross and $2 million to local charities in the area.
Chico's FAS will donate $250,000 to various relief agencies and match employee donations.
Cisco Systems will donate $1 million and match up to $1 million in employee donations to the Red Cross. Cisco is also distributing "Communication Kits" with IP-based connectivity.
Citigroup will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $1 million.
Clorox is transporting an initial 12 truckloads (50,000 gallons of bleach) to staging warehouses in Baton Rouge, La. and Jackson, Miss.
Coca-Cola Company is making a $5 million donation and donating water and other beverages to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for its relief efforts.
Comcast Corporation has committed to donating $10 million worth of advertising time for Public Service Announcements, in addition to $50,000 in cash to the American Red Cross. Comcast will also feature 10 hours of ON DEMAND programming in September, dedicated to airing American Red Cross updates, benefit concerts and information on what customers can do to help in the relief efforts.
Comerica will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross.
ConocoPhillips will contribute $3 million and match employee contributions.
Culligan will send five truckloads of drinking water.
Dana Corporation will donate $50,000 to Red Cross and employee match to all other charities.
Degussa will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and match employee contributions.
DHL will donate $500,000 worth of shipping services.
DirecTV has launched a Hurricane Katrina Information channel.
DISH Network will provide satellite television service to shelters across Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas.
Dow Chemical is donating $1 million to the Red Cross, up to $1 million in employee matching gifts and $1 million in products and technology for rebuilding.
Dress Barn will donate $3 million worth of clothes to World Vision and match double-match employee donations.
Dupont is making a $1 million cash donation and is prepared to make product donations.
Edison International will donate $125,000 to the Red Cross and will match up to $25,000 in employee donations.
Edward Jones will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and will match customer and employee contributions.
Eli Lilly will donate $2 million to the Red Cross and match up to $1 million in employee donations. Eli Lilly will also donate $1 million worth of insulin.
Enterprise Rent-A-Car announced that it is making a donation of $1 million through its charitable foundation to the American Red Cross to help in the massive Hurricane Katrina relief efforts.
Exxon Mobil will donate $2 million to the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund and will provide $5 million in grants to local relief agencies.
Fannie Mae has mortgage relief provisions in place for borrowers in Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Florida and other states facing hardships as a result of widespread damage caused by Hurricane Katrina.
FedEx has offered to airlift donated resources.
Flowserve will donate $50,000 and match up to $50,000 in employee donations to the Red Cross.
Food Lion said it would accept customer donations to the Red Cross and will send a truckload of bottled water to the area.
Fox Networks Group will donate $5 million in ad space.
General Electric will donate $6 million to the Red Cross and match employee donations up to $1 million. GE will also donate $10 million in medical devices, power generators and water purification systems.
General Motors is contributing $400,000 to the American Red Cross and matching employee donations up to $250,000. GM will also donate 25 vehicles for use by the American Red Cross.
GMAC-RFC will match employee donations up to $1 million.
Ford Motor Credit Company is offering customers affected by Hurricane Katrina the opportunity to defer up to two vehicle payments.
Freddie Mac has extended its mortgage relief policies for borrowers affected by Hurricane Katrina in locations declared major disaster areas by President Bush.
General Motors is contributing $400,000 to the American Red Cross and matching employee donations up to $250,000. GM will also donate 25 vehicles for use by the American Red Cross.
Grainer will donate $1 million in supplies and cash.
Harrah's Entertainment will establish an Employee Recovery Fund of $1 million and will provide Biloxi, Gulfport and New Orleans casino employees with their regularly scheduled base pay for up to 90 days.
Home Depot will donate $1.5 million to various relief organizations, including the American Red Cross and the Salvation Army. The home improvement retailer will set up six temporary support centers to provide reconstruction materials.
Hospital Corporation of America will donate $1 million to the Salvation Army and other agencies and will match employee donations.
IKEA will donate $1 million worth of home furnishings, will match employee donations up to $250,000 and will donate total proceeds from the sale of a $9.99 heart shaped cushion.
Intel will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and is assessing communication and hardware needs.
IPSCO will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and match employee donations.
JPMorgan Chase will donate $1 million to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations up to $1 million.
Kellogg will donate $500,000 in cash and products including seven truckloads of breakfast bars, crackers and cookies already en route.
Kimberly-Clark , makers of Kleenex, Scott, and Huggies among other brands, will contribute $250,000 in cash and $350,000 in production donations.
Koch Industries is donating $1 million to the Red Cross, $250,000 to the Salvation Army and will match employee contributions up to $1 million.
Kraft Foods will provide $1 million in food and cash grants.
Lowe's Companies will match in-store customer contributions up to $1 million. The company said it has truckloads of emergency supplies staged and ready for relief efforts along the Gulf Coast. Lowe's also says its more than 1,125 stores nationwide will serve as official cash-donation sites to benefit the American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund.
MAR Oil will donate $13,200 to the Red Cross.
MasterCard will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and $500,000 to AmeriCares and will double-match employee contributions. Its has also donated ad space in the USA Today to the Red Cross.
Medtronic will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.
Modine Manufacturing will donate $150,000 to various agencies.
Morgan Stanley will match employee donations to the Red Cross up to $500,000.
National Association of Realtors will contribute an additional $1 million to funds established by realtor associations in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi to provide emergency relief to victims of the hurricane.
New York Life Insurance will donate $1 million to the Red Cross and will match employee contributions.
Navistar is donating use of trucks, cars and logistics. The company also offered a 7750 square-foot facility for recovery efforts.
News Corp will donate $1 million to the Salvation Army and match employee donations.
Nissan North America will donate $500,000 to the Red Cross and provide 50 full-size trucks to the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency.
Northwest Airlines will deliver hurricane relief supplies, including water, hand towels and batteries.
Office Depot pledged to contribute $1 million to the American Red Cross.
Onstar will provide services in the affected areas, a donation of $400,000 to the Red Cross and well as employee donations.
PACCAR will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.
Papa Johns franchisee owner Keith Sullens in Houston is using his location in Reliant Stadium, which is adjacent to the Astrodome, to provide up to 10,000 Pizzas to people arriving at the Astrodome from the Superdome. He is also offering 150 delivery jobs open across the Houston area to people evacuated from New Orleans as a chance for them to get back on their feet. On the corporate Papa Johns will provide water to people evacuated to the Astrodome.
Pepsi Americas will contribute $500,000 in financial aid and water.
Pfizer will donate $1 million for rebuilding hospital and healthcare centers, $1 million for relief organizations including the American Red Cross, Salvation Army and the United Way of America and medicines, consumer and animal health products
Safeway will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and 10,000 emergency kits.
SBC will match employee donations up to $1 million and will contribute telephone and Internet services worth $4 million per month.
Sears will donate $500,000 in merchandise and gift cards to the Red Cross and match customer donations up to $500,000.
Southwest Airlines is bringing supplies such as ice, bottled water, flashlights and bug spray. The airline also picked up about 20 to 40 evacuees.
Sprint Nextel is setting up a mobile command center with full telecommunications system to coordinate a "massive" recovery effort and help get mobile service working again. The company is also giving 3000 Nextel walkie talkies to recovery workers and providing a total of 10 RV's and vehicles with satellite cellular service.
St. Paul Travelers will donate $1 million to the Red Cross.
Talbots will donate $50,000 to the Red Cross and match $50,000 in employee donations. It will also donate 54,000 units of children's clothing.
Target announced a $1.5 million donation to the American Red Cross. The company said in a statement that it was also coordinating the distribution of essential relief products requested by the Red Cross, including water, ice, energy bars and bug spray.
Tesoro Corporation , the second largest US oil refinery, will donate $100,000 to the Red Cross and Salvation Army and match employee contributions. Tesoro will also be helping the city of San Antonio food bank on Friday collect food to be sent to Louisiana, Mississippi, etc.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has pledged $2 million to Lutheran relief agencies and will match member contributions.
Time Warner (the parent of Turner Broadcasting) will match $1 million in employee donations to the Red Cross
Toyota will contribute $5 million to Red Cross.
Trinity Springs will donate $27,000 liters of bottled water.
Turner Broadcasting (the parent of CNN) will donate $250,000 and match employee contributions.
Unilever will donate $1 million in cash to the Red Cross and Salvation Army and will donate $1.6 million worth of company products including soap, shampoo, detergent, peanut butter, soup, nutritional shakes and snack bars.
UPS donates $500,000 in cash and $750,000 worth of services.
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans has pledged $1 million to Lutheran relief agencies and will match member contributions.
United Airlines will give 500 frequent flier miles to anyone who donates $50 or more to the Red Cross, AmeriCares or Operation USA. The airline is also planning a relief flight with food and supplies.
Wal-Mart Stores will give $17 million in cash donations and establish mini-Wal-Mart stores in areas impacted by the hurricane. Items such as clothing, diapers, baby wipes, food, formula, toothbrushes, bedding and water will be given out free of charge to those with a demonstrated need.
Washington Mutual will donate $100,000 to the American Red Cross and will match employee donations.
Xerox will donate $1.2 million in services and supplies and $800,000 in cash to various relief agencies.
Wachovia will donate $250,000 to the American Red cross and match employee donations. Wachovia delivered food, water and generators to Mobile and Pascagoula and will continue to send supplies.
Winn-Dixie announced a program called "Neighbors Helping Neighbors," in which people can make donations in its Southeast stores for Hurricane Katrina victims.
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Convoy of Hope responds to Katrina, offers help from Picayune, Mississippi
Convoy of Hope Disaster Response Teams have established a distribution point in Picayune, Miss. and are traveling further into the affected areas to establish additional locations.
Cars --often filled with five or six people who are now homeless --were lined up two miles in either direction at the Picayune distribution point.
Volunteers had served 300 families by 9 a.m. this morning. "The need for ice and water is huge," said Jeff Nene, Convoy of Hope Communications director. "The people we are serving are often in tears, thankful to receive something so small as bottled water and a couple of bags of ice. These are the simple things that we often take for granted."
More than 30 truckloads of ice, water and food are already in the region or en route. Convoy of Hope is preparing for a response that could require hundreds of loads in the weeks ahead.
Nene, who has visited tsunami-ravaged Southeast Asia several times, viewed portions of Louisiana and Mississippi from the air. "Even twenty miles north of the coast, the area is utterly unrecognizable," he said. "The need is beyond belief."
U.S. Disaster Relief Director Kary Kingsland said, "The sweltering heat makes it tough on people and volunteers are fatigued even before they start. But we have to keep working around the clock to help people put their lives back together."
The best way people can participate in this relief effort is by making a financial contribution. "That keeps the trucks rolling and gets the supplies to people who need the help the most," said Nene.