WAIT......... STOP the Roller Coaster....... I Wanna GET OFF!!!!!
Okay so it's been forever since I have updated my blog, and of course now I have so many thoughts and emotions I can't even get them straight to write. Where do I start? What do I tell? Life has sent me on an interesting journey the last 2 weeks.
First let me start by admitting... I have fallen away from my Purpose Driven Life (PDL) Readings. I can't believe it, I am on Day 36, and I STOP reading? WHAT happened? Did life take over and things got more important than God? Did having a non-believer in my house for 7 days make me turn my back as to not make them "uncomfortable"? Honestly, I don't have a answer for sure! I am hoping to get back down to business very soon here. I am astonished how quickly my focus fell away. The more I thought about it and tried to find the time the more frustrated I became.....
My Sister in Law came to visit with my 4 month old niece for 7 days. I have to admit I was a little nervous as my relationship with my brother (her husband) is not a tight one to say the least. She came alone... Just her and the baby. I have been around her a few times but I am betting less than 10 times! She lives in NH, and I live here. This past year we began e-mailing and that has helped. At first it was awkward... She's a Girly girl and I am so not. She LOVES to shop... I like it but wish I had the money to actually shop! LOL (don't we all?) we ended up having a great time, with tons of laughs. She is so easy going and GREAT for my brother. She accepts him for who he is and loves him anyway (a real challenge I am certain). We got to "talk" and she helped me to realize I wasn't the only one to feel certain ways. I filled her in on some many family stories and showed her some great "dorkie" pictures from my brother's younger years. LOL. My niece Katelyn is INCREDIBLE! She is beyond beautiful and just so mellow. She is extremely easy going and barely fussed. Alex was totally in love with her. At times I really had to swallow the lump in my throat seeing just what an awesome Big Brother he would have been. He showered her with kisses and hugs. When she fussed in the car he would look over from his car seat and tell her "It's okay baby, it's okay". He was so gentle and loving - it truly tore my heart up at times. I saw my son's incredible spirit. His loving heart and just how emotional and sensitive he is. I so wish we lived closer to his cousins so he could truly bond with them. Parker 6, Dominick 4, and Katelyn 4 months. Maybe some day soon...
I did a stupid stupid thing..... I went to baby shower on Wednesday night and I ate spinach dip. Now to most people this most likely doesn't sound stupid but to a girl who has spent her entire life asking "what's in this?" well... It was stupid! I am allergic to eggs. I can't eat anything that egg is the top 3 ingredient. No eggs for breakfast, no egg salad, no Mayo, No tuna fish, ect...
WELL.. I put a spoonful of spinach dip on my plate and ate it down with crackers. I wasn't in love with the taste but finished it anyway. All the other foods I had eaten before. By the end of the night I was feeling "funny" but just thought I was exhausted after my SIL's visit. I was home and in bed by 9:20. 1 AM came quickly and I woke up feeling incredibly nauseated. I got up with a splitting headache took some tums and advil. I kept trying to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening. Then I started to sweat, serious mouth watering... And then it happened! I kissed the porcelain God. Ohh and it didn't stop.... The damn Mayo came pouring out both ends! Until noon!!! I thought I was going to die!
THANK GOD my friend rescued my son from barfing hell and whisked him away to the land of play! Lori.. You are my life saver!!! I owe you big.
Needless to say... No matter how rude it may seem to ask "what is this made with?", I am going to KEEP asking and not feel stupid about it OR just not eat it! Mayo is BAD people VERY VERY BAD!!!
Okay.. Enough ramblings for one day!!!
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
The Angel Stadium Declaration
The Angel Stadium Declaration: April 17, 2005 by John Fischer
On April 6, 1980, 205 people attended Saddleback Valley Community Church’s first public worship service. On Sunday, April 17, 2005, 30,000 people gathered at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, to celebrate 25 years of ministry at Saddleback Church. At the culmination of a three-hour service of worship and remembrance, thousands rose to their feet to read the following together as a commitment to doing God’s will for the next 25 years. It is and will be referred to as The Angel Stadium Declaration: April 17, 2005. I offer it to our devotional readers for the inspiration that it was to me. I suggest you print it and put it where you can refer to it often. That’s what I’m going to do.
Today I am stepping across the line. I’m tired of waffling and I’m finished with wavering; I’ve made my choice, the verdict is in and my decision is irrevocable. I’m going God’s way. There’s no turning back now!
I will live the rest of my life serving God’s purposes with God’s people on God’s planet for God’s glory. I will use my life to celebrate His presence, cultivate His character, participate in His family, demonstrate His love, and communicate His word.
Since my past has been forgiven and I have a purpose for living and a home awaiting in heaven, I refuse to waste any more time or energy on shallow living, petty thinking, trivial talking, thoughtless doing, useless regretting, hurtful resenting, or faithless worrying. Instead, I will magnify God, grow to maturity, serve in ministry, and fulfill my mission in the membership of His family.
Because this life is preparation for the next, I will value worship over wealth, “we” over “me,” character over comfort, service over status, and people over possessions, position, and pleasures. I know what matters most and I’ll give it all I’ve got. I’ll do the best I can with what I have for Jesus Christ today.
I won’t be captivated by culture, manipulated by critics, motivated by praise, frustrated by problems debilitated by temptation or intimidated by the devil. I’ll keep running my race with my eyes on the goal, not the sidelines or those running by me. When times get tough, and I get tired, I won‘t back up, back off, back down, back out or backslide. I’ll just keep moving forward by God’s grace. I’m Spirit-led, purpose-driven and mission-focused so I cannot be bought, I will not be compromised, and I shall not quit until I finish the race.
I’m a trophy of God’s amazing grace so I will be gracious to everyone, grateful for every day, and generous with everything that God entrusts to me.
To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I say: However, Whenever, Wherever, and Whatever you ask me to do, my answer in advance is yes! Wherever you lead and whatever the cost, I’m ready. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway. Whatever it takes Lord; Whatever it takes! I want to be used by you in such a way, that on that final day I’ll hear you say, “Well done, thou good and faithful one. Come on in, and let the eternal party begin!”
John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.
Click HERE to sign up for The Better Life, an e-newsletter brought to you by PurposeDrivenLife.com, with articles by Rick Warren and other insightful writers.To see a sample of The Better Life, click HERE.
On April 6, 1980, 205 people attended Saddleback Valley Community Church’s first public worship service. On Sunday, April 17, 2005, 30,000 people gathered at Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California, to celebrate 25 years of ministry at Saddleback Church. At the culmination of a three-hour service of worship and remembrance, thousands rose to their feet to read the following together as a commitment to doing God’s will for the next 25 years. It is and will be referred to as The Angel Stadium Declaration: April 17, 2005. I offer it to our devotional readers for the inspiration that it was to me. I suggest you print it and put it where you can refer to it often. That’s what I’m going to do.
Today I am stepping across the line. I’m tired of waffling and I’m finished with wavering; I’ve made my choice, the verdict is in and my decision is irrevocable. I’m going God’s way. There’s no turning back now!
I will live the rest of my life serving God’s purposes with God’s people on God’s planet for God’s glory. I will use my life to celebrate His presence, cultivate His character, participate in His family, demonstrate His love, and communicate His word.
Since my past has been forgiven and I have a purpose for living and a home awaiting in heaven, I refuse to waste any more time or energy on shallow living, petty thinking, trivial talking, thoughtless doing, useless regretting, hurtful resenting, or faithless worrying. Instead, I will magnify God, grow to maturity, serve in ministry, and fulfill my mission in the membership of His family.
Because this life is preparation for the next, I will value worship over wealth, “we” over “me,” character over comfort, service over status, and people over possessions, position, and pleasures. I know what matters most and I’ll give it all I’ve got. I’ll do the best I can with what I have for Jesus Christ today.
I won’t be captivated by culture, manipulated by critics, motivated by praise, frustrated by problems debilitated by temptation or intimidated by the devil. I’ll keep running my race with my eyes on the goal, not the sidelines or those running by me. When times get tough, and I get tired, I won‘t back up, back off, back down, back out or backslide. I’ll just keep moving forward by God’s grace. I’m Spirit-led, purpose-driven and mission-focused so I cannot be bought, I will not be compromised, and I shall not quit until I finish the race.
I’m a trophy of God’s amazing grace so I will be gracious to everyone, grateful for every day, and generous with everything that God entrusts to me.
To my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I say: However, Whenever, Wherever, and Whatever you ask me to do, my answer in advance is yes! Wherever you lead and whatever the cost, I’m ready. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway. Whatever it takes Lord; Whatever it takes! I want to be used by you in such a way, that on that final day I’ll hear you say, “Well done, thou good and faithful one. Come on in, and let the eternal party begin!”
John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.
Click HERE to sign up for The Better Life, an e-newsletter brought to you by PurposeDrivenLife.com, with articles by Rick Warren and other insightful writers.To see a sample of The Better Life, click HERE.
My 6 Month Reminder
Ugh.. It came! Yesterday I opened the mailbox and there it was staring back at me. I wanted to shut the door and walk away. Can't I keep on living the lie? White, crisp, black lettering, the 6 month reminder from my son's Neurosurgeon. It's so easy to forget he has a 2.5 Ventricle bleed in his brain. I look at him and just wonder how it could be true. I always worry buying hats, has his head grown even larger? Could the hydrocephalus be getting worse? Is this the time they will tell me my baby boy needs brain surgery and a shunt?
I heard all the words the doctors told me at birth. Speech delay, mild to severe retardation, brain surgery, shunt, hydrocephalus, and so on and so forth, NONE of which has happened so far. PRAISE THE LORD!!
I heard all the words the doctors told me at birth. Speech delay, mild to severe retardation, brain surgery, shunt, hydrocephalus, and so on and so forth, NONE of which has happened so far. PRAISE THE LORD!!
But then that stinkin' post card shows up and knocks my world back into doubt until once again a man in a stark white jacket comes through the door to tell me we have another 6 month reprieve. It's amazing the power that white jacket holds. As I sit on the edge of the cold metal chair waiting, wondering, impatient, screaming in my head for him to just spit out the words and enough with the small talk.
Here I am again back to the wondering stage until our appointment...........
Monday, April 18, 2005
Marathon for Mission
RUN Nace RUN.........
Our fearless Lead Pastor, Nace is running a Marathon at the end of the month in Nashville, TN. I have been watching him run almost daily on a street nearby. God always seems to be pushing him along saying run faster and your feet will be lighter!
He is running to raise money to benefit our designated mission outreach church in Allende, Mexico. All of the money he raises will go directly to that cause. 26 miles is a LONG way for a cause but is it a Long way for God's glory? Have you ever ran 26 miles?? I can honestly say Nace is far braver than I!
If God is calling you to reach out to Nace, Hope Community Church, or the Church in Allende, Mexico... PLEASE take a moment and write a check in Nace's Honor. Maybe God is calling you to help push Nace to the finish line!! As Nace's community and friends we thank you for your prayers and anything else you can do!
Our fearless Lead Pastor, Nace is running a Marathon at the end of the month in Nashville, TN. I have been watching him run almost daily on a street nearby. God always seems to be pushing him along saying run faster and your feet will be lighter!
He is running to raise money to benefit our designated mission outreach church in Allende, Mexico. All of the money he raises will go directly to that cause. 26 miles is a LONG way for a cause but is it a Long way for God's glory? Have you ever ran 26 miles?? I can honestly say Nace is far braver than I!
If God is calling you to reach out to Nace, Hope Community Church, or the Church in Allende, Mexico... PLEASE take a moment and write a check in Nace's Honor. Maybe God is calling you to help push Nace to the finish line!! As Nace's community and friends we thank you for your prayers and anything else you can do!
Sunday, April 17, 2005
Relay for Life Walk
April 29th, I will be doing the 12 hour Relay for Life walk. This is a walk to help raise funds for preventing, treating and surviving Cancer! Sadly, now a days everyone knows someone who has been effected by Cancer. Many have lost their battle, some have won, and many are still in for the fight of their life. I will be walking with my Husband's company and camping out for the night.
My wonderful friend Shannon, has created another master piece in honor of my event. This ONE OF A KIND Relay for Life Bracelet will be up for Auction on E-bay for the next 6 days. PLEASE Bid!! 1/2 of all proceeds will be donated to my walk!
I am walking for a little girl named Ashleigh who at 3 years old has spent nearly the entire past year fighting her cancer!
I am walking for My Mother who survived having 2 large tumors removed from her ovaries.
I am walking for my Aunt who survived breast cancer.
I am walking for my Grandmother who survived stomach cancer AND breast cancer.
I am walking for my Nana who survived stomach cancer.
I am walking for my Mother in Law who survived thyroid cancer.
I am walking for my friend Amy's Mom who died fighting cancer at a very young age.
I am walking for my friend Desire's Mom who died early this spring after fighting cancer, again at a young age.
I am walking for all of those loved ones YOU know who have fought cancer. I am walking for all of those people who cannot walk!
PLEASE step up and donate to this amazing cause!!!
My wonderful friend Shannon, has created another master piece in honor of my event. This ONE OF A KIND Relay for Life Bracelet will be up for Auction on E-bay for the next 6 days. PLEASE Bid!! 1/2 of all proceeds will be donated to my walk!
I am walking for a little girl named Ashleigh who at 3 years old has spent nearly the entire past year fighting her cancer!
I am walking for My Mother who survived having 2 large tumors removed from her ovaries.
I am walking for my Aunt who survived breast cancer.
I am walking for my Grandmother who survived stomach cancer AND breast cancer.
I am walking for my Nana who survived stomach cancer.
I am walking for my Mother in Law who survived thyroid cancer.
I am walking for my friend Amy's Mom who died fighting cancer at a very young age.
I am walking for my friend Desire's Mom who died early this spring after fighting cancer, again at a young age.
I am walking for all of those loved ones YOU know who have fought cancer. I am walking for all of those people who cannot walk!
PLEASE step up and donate to this amazing cause!!!
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Tonsils coming out!
Well... It's time, my Son's Tonsils MUST come OUT!!! They are far bigger than they should be and are causing serious sleep issues along with apnea. His ENT doctor said that his left tonsil is so big it actually covers his uvula. Not a good thing! SO.. Friday, May 13th is the big day! Yes.... Friday the 13th. I'm not superstitious so no big deal!! God will be with my son regardless of the date! LOL...
He will be getting several procedures done besides the tonsils. He also will be getting his tubes out and a new set put in. He MAY get his adnoids out depending on how big they are. Also, they will be doing allergy testing AND a head MRI for his neurologist! LOL.. Yes.. All in one day. We have to be at the hospital at 6 AM and IF we are released it won't be till 6 PM.
Pray that his recovery is quick and as pain free as possible!!!
He will be getting several procedures done besides the tonsils. He also will be getting his tubes out and a new set put in. He MAY get his adnoids out depending on how big they are. Also, they will be doing allergy testing AND a head MRI for his neurologist! LOL.. Yes.. All in one day. We have to be at the hospital at 6 AM and IF we are released it won't be till 6 PM.
Pray that his recovery is quick and as pain free as possible!!!
Friday, April 15, 2005
4 AM is just a GLORIOUS Time!
My Son did it!!! By Shear miracle.... He slept.. ALONE till 4 AM!!
I couldn't believe it. I heard him stir and looked at the clock 4:11 AM, and Rick was STILL in bed with me. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!
He went down at 9 PM and made it all the way to 4 AM. Rick and I did a dance this morning. We were SOOOOOOOOO Excited. For 2.5 yrs now one of us has slept with Alex as he wakes up every 2-3 hrs. PLEASE Dear Lord, let this be the wind of change and not just a fluke. Both Rick and I felt so rested when we got up.
This is a VERY exciting Moment for us!!!! Jumping around doing a dance!!
I couldn't believe it. I heard him stir and looked at the clock 4:11 AM, and Rick was STILL in bed with me. NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!
He went down at 9 PM and made it all the way to 4 AM. Rick and I did a dance this morning. We were SOOOOOOOOO Excited. For 2.5 yrs now one of us has slept with Alex as he wakes up every 2-3 hrs. PLEASE Dear Lord, let this be the wind of change and not just a fluke. Both Rick and I felt so rested when we got up.
This is a VERY exciting Moment for us!!!! Jumping around doing a dance!!
Thursday, April 14, 2005
A "real" Author!
I did a review a few weeks ago on Jeff Stimpson's book "Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie"
Today I got an e-mail from the Author! Can you imagine that? How many Author's would e-mail someone just for finding their review on-line. This just proves what an incredible person Jeff Stimpson is. He truly is "real".
I once again encourage you to pick up "Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie". This book is not just for those who have a preemie or sick child in their lives but for anyone with a heart and soul.
"Dear Martha:
I Googled my book title again this morning (which I do far too often), and found your blog review. Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the book, though I guess "enjoyed" probably isn't the right word. Your son looks like a cool kid!
Many thanks again. And don't ever worry about complaining about a certain time in the hospital. An hour or a year, the experience shapes all of us in a similar way.
Thanks again, and all good wishes to you and yours.
Jeff Stimpson"
Author of "Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie," from Academy Chicago.
Today I got an e-mail from the Author! Can you imagine that? How many Author's would e-mail someone just for finding their review on-line. This just proves what an incredible person Jeff Stimpson is. He truly is "real".
I once again encourage you to pick up "Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie". This book is not just for those who have a preemie or sick child in their lives but for anyone with a heart and soul.
"Dear Martha:
I Googled my book title again this morning (which I do far too often), and found your blog review. Many thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed the book, though I guess "enjoyed" probably isn't the right word. Your son looks like a cool kid!
Many thanks again. And don't ever worry about complaining about a certain time in the hospital. An hour or a year, the experience shapes all of us in a similar way.
Thanks again, and all good wishes to you and yours.
Jeff Stimpson"
Author of "Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie," from Academy Chicago.
A shared Prayer
"Lord, I believe; help my unbelief" is the most natural and most human and most agonizing prayer in the gospels, and I think it is the foundation prayer of faith.-Flannery O'Connor
Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends, who pray together, stay together.
"Lord, I believe; help my unbelief" is the most natural and most human and most agonizing prayer in the gospels, and I think it is the foundation prayer of faith.-Flannery O'Connor
Please take a moment to relax your mind and humble your heart to focus on Christ. Allow God to be the only person on your mind while you read this prayer. If we can take the time to read long jokes, stories, etc., we should give the same respect to this prayer. Friends, who pray together, stay together.
Dear Lord,
I thank you for this day. I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning. I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God. You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me. Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you. I ask now for Your forgiveness.
Please keep me safe from all danger and harm. Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude. Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.
Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.
Let me continue to see sin through God's eyes and acknowledge it as evil. And when I sin, let me repent, and confess with my mouth my wrongdoing, and receive the forgiveness of God.
And when this world closes in on me, let me remember Jesus' example -- to slip away and find a quiet place to pray. It's the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits. I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.
Continue to use me to do Your will. Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others. Keep me strong that I may help the weak. Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.
I pray for those who are lost and can't find their way.
I pray for those who are misjudged and misunderstood.
I pray for those who don't know You intimately.
I pray for those who don't believe.
But I thank you that I believe. I believe that God changes people and God changes things. I pray for all my sisters and brothers. For each and every family member in their households. I pray for peace, love, and joy in their homes, that they are out of debt, and all their needs are met.
I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God. Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight. I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees them and every mouth that confesses them willingly. This is my prayer.
In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Just repeat this phrase and see how God moves!!
Lord I love you and I need you, come into my heart, please.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
What Takes Our Breath Away
What Takes Our Breath Away: by John Fischer
"The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers — wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints. We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less. We have bigger houses and smaller families — more conveniences, but less time. We have more degrees, but less sense; more knowledge, but less judgment; more experts, yet more problems; more medicine, but less wellness. We drink too much, smoke too much, spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get too angry, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too much, and pray too seldom."
Some might be surprised to find the words just quoted were written by that bawdy comedian and sometimes-vulgar commentator on life, George Carlin. Of course, none of his trademark crudeness means he can’t be right; and that’s just the thing: he often is. Comedians are our present day answer to the court jesters of medieval times. They are usually very astute when it comes to human nature and its inconsistencies, since that’s where a good deal of their humor comes from. One of the most poignant comments on the excesses of modern materialism is found in Carlin’s hilarious routine on “stuff.” You laugh, and then you cry, because you see yourself so much in it. No one escapes unscathed.
You may have even seen this current piece I’m quoting today floating around the Internet. I understand it was written shortly after the death of his wife, which would explain many of its insights, which are worthy of reflection. We were made for relationships — with God and with each other. So much of our busy lives can keep us from seeing that until it’s too late. This becomes, then, a painful reminder from someone who acutely feels the loss of a loved one, to invest in those we love while we can.
"Remember to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn't cost a cent. Remember to say, "I love you" to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all “mean it.” A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment, for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak, and give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. And always remember: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." – George Carlin
I was so moved by this today I had to share!
What can you do this week to make the most of your time?
Who in your life needs you to reach out and offer that uncomfortable hug?
Are you making choices based on the Word of God or on your own desires?
You can choose to follow the Word of God at any time and turn from the path that leads to disaster!
May God Bless You Today!
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
One more reason to walk!
Find a March of Dimes Walk near you...
APRIL 2005: Our Miracle and His Angel
Dear WalkAmerica Supporter,
As is so often the case with premature babies, the line between life and death is ever so thin. Some babies miraculously survive while others are not so fortunate. For many premature babies, life could be tragically short or an epic struggle. For the parents, it is an excruciating ordeal. So against this backdrop, we were touched by the story of twins Julian and Irisa as told by their mother Rosmarijn.
Delivered at only 24 weeks, Julian weighed 1 pound, 2 ounces and Irisa weighed 1 pound, 4 ounces. Irisa sadly died in her mother's arms 36 hours after her birth suffering from head bleeds and lungs that just weren't strong enough. Julian amazingly survived. He spent 110 days in the NICU and six weeks on a ventilator. He overcame serious infections, choking episodes, apnea, blood transfusions and other complications. His mother is convinced that with his sister Irisa watching over him, Julian never needed surgery.
Today at 10 months and 16 pounds, Julian is happy and healthy and looking forward to this first birthday. The story of this one family illustrates most poignantly why we walk for WalkAmerica 2005. We walk to fund research to save babies like Julian and prevent infant mortality like Irisa. Rosmarijn's family at once celebrates the life of Julian and mourns the loss of Irisa. You can do something now to someday ensure that no baby again has to traverse that thin line between life and death. Every dime you raise brings us one step closer to finding the answers to the scourge of prematurity. Julian's story reminds us of how far we have come, and Irisa's story reminds us how far we have to go. Your help is critical.
Go to http://links.marchofdimes.com/ajtk/servlet/JJ?H=14gzo9&R=677724239 and walk to save babies. Thank you for your valued support.
This e-mail is sponsored by the March of Dimes, a nonprofit organization. The mission of the March of Dimes is to improve the health of babies by preventing birth defects and infant mortality. For more information about the March of Dimes, visit our Web site at www.marchofdimes.com.
March of Dimes
1275 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10605
Sunday, April 10, 2005
I'm a Woman........
I'm A Woman ......... Hear Me ROAR!!
For weeks I have been watching my husband be the "man" and work the chain saw until yesterday. We started our day calling the fire department here to get a burn permit. HUGE excitement in my young 2 year old son's life. He is currently obsessed with Fire Trucks and seeing thebig red engine roll down the street seriously made him freeze and just stare blankly at it. Anyway, after we did that Rick lit our pile on the fire. Rick worked at it for about 2 hrs and said everything was just too wet and we would have to try again later. Hmph.. I think not! He broke out the chain saw and asked me what I wanted cut dow, I showed him and he set to work. When he was mostly done I decided I needed my shot with that thing! How hard could it be to run a chain saw?? Rick was horrified and kept telling me I'll saw my leg off if the thing kicks back.. blah blah blah... LOL.. Typical MALE stuff! Finally he realized I wasn't backing down. He explained how to use it and off I went.
(Insert LOUD chain saw noise here)
Next I went straight to work on the fire... It was still smoldering so I rearranged all the wood and moved the leaves around. It started to burn, so I quickly ran around throwing branches on top of it. By now it was afternoon and about 80 degrees. I raked up pile after pile of dry leaves, and sticks throwing them upon my fire and kept adding more brush until by 6pm I had everything burned!! I was sooooo proud of myself. My face was BEAT red, I stunk like smoke but I was such a STUD!!!
I am a Woman, Hear me ROAR!!! Anything a man can do.... I can do too!! !
Saturday, April 09, 2005
Alex's journey without the bottle!
So I think it has been just about a week since we chucked the bottle! Alex is still asking for them although I realize now that's his way of asking for milk as he takes a sippy cup without a blink! I keep saying milk.. To try and re-program his thinking. We also stopped all milk at night! This is a serious accomplishment not just on Alex's part but ours as well. We do offer him a sippy cup of water but we are working on weaning him of this whole waking up thing. Some day Rick and I will get to sleep in our own bed together for 8 hrs straight. Heck I would be happy with 6. I think 2.5 yrs of sleep deprivation has caused a severe aging process on Rick and I.
We decided he can have milk from 6am on if he wakes up and so far this seems to be working really well as he is even sleeping in. So he drinks the milk and goes back to sleep. He is drinking milk during the day and feel he is getting more than enough! The doctor said it could be up to 6 months before we see a change in his sleep pattern! I am praying it's not that long but... At this point, what's 6 months???? LOL
We decided he can have milk from 6am on if he wakes up and so far this seems to be working really well as he is even sleeping in. So he drinks the milk and goes back to sleep. He is drinking milk during the day and feel he is getting more than enough! The doctor said it could be up to 6 months before we see a change in his sleep pattern! I am praying it's not that long but... At this point, what's 6 months???? LOL
Friday, April 08, 2005
Daily Devotional
If you go the the Purpose Drive Life's website you can sign up and have a daily devotional sent to your e-mail. They are little stories or prayers to help you saty focused on God and your purpose. I wanted to share with you the one I got today as I really enjoyed it. This was not something we did as a family. My father rarely allowed us to have friends over and less to stay for dinner. Rick's parents on the other hand had an open door policy, his parents would have fed the entire neighborhood. As Alex grows older I hope my house is the "hang out" house and kids feel safe and welcomed here. Anyway... Here is Today's Daily Devotional:
Recently an Iranian woman was asked what was the most difficult part in her adjustment to living in the United States. She didn't say anything about the different environment for women as might have been expected. Instead, she said the most difficult adjustment was the fact that she found it hard to cook for only her family of four. She was used to feeding, at any time of the day, meals for various extended family members and friends. Serving in that way is a natural part of her culture.
Our purpose as Christians is to serve. It is all about being aware of and meeting the needs of those around us. This is not a natural thing for me or for the culture I was raised in.
So it's time to pull my sluggish self out of this protective cocoon and find out where God wants to use me. Maybe it's to go out and invite in the neighborhood. If we work at making sure there are no leftovers, God will make sure we have more to give.
John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.
No Leftovers by: John Fischer
Recently an Iranian woman was asked what was the most difficult part in her adjustment to living in the United States. She didn't say anything about the different environment for women as might have been expected. Instead, she said the most difficult adjustment was the fact that she found it hard to cook for only her family of four. She was used to feeding, at any time of the day, meals for various extended family members and friends. Serving in that way is a natural part of her culture.
Her solution to this problem is simple. Besides providing an elderly woman across the street with dinner delivered each night to her door, she goes out and invites people to join her family - sitting at the table and eating what would have been leftovers. Now there's an easy solution to leftovers - invite the neighborhood.
Hearing this story reminded me of a parable Jesus told of a man who prepared a great feast and invited many guests, but when those guests made excuses about other things they had to do, he sent his servant into the streets and alleys of the town to invite the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame. "After the servant had done this, he reported, 'There is still room for more.' So his master said, 'Go out into the country lanes and behind the hedges and urge anyone you find to come, so that the house will be full'" (Luke 14:22-23). There won't be any leftovers at this feast!
Our purpose as Christians is to serve. It is all about being aware of and meeting the needs of those around us. This is not a natural thing for me or for the culture I was raised in.
It's quite an indictment on western society that this woman's most difficult adjustment was to the selfishness of our culture compared to her mid-eastern culture of hospitality. Americans don't share very well. We have been raised in a culture that worships individuality and ownership. The goal is to have all our own stuff so we don't need to depend on anyone else. We work very hard to have our own house, our own car, our own swimming pool, our own entertainment system, and our own dinner with our own family. Sharing is not an American trait, and if we don't share well, we won't serve well either.
I've noticed in myself a resistance to sharing the family dinner with outsiders. When my older children were around more, they often sprang their friends on us at the last minute. I always resented this at first, but then it would often turn into an evening enlivened with conversation, music and laughter. I would go to bed a little later and a little more tired but always richer for it. Not to appeal to a selfish motive, but it is true that we always better ourselves when we serve others.
So it's time to pull my sluggish self out of this protective cocoon and find out where God wants to use me. Maybe it's to go out and invite in the neighborhood. If we work at making sure there are no leftovers, God will make sure we have more to give.
John Fischer is the Senior Writer for Purpose Driven Life Daily Devotionals. He resides in Southern California with his wife, Marti and son, Chandler. They also have two adult children, Christopher and Anne. John is a published author and popular speaker.
Thursday, April 07, 2005
Alex: The Fathering of a Preemie!
By: Jeff Stimpson
Yes, that truly is the name of the book! I was floored when Rick's parent's sent it in Alex's Easter basket. I quickly tore into the book. It was gut wrenching and at times walked a parallel to my Alex's beginning days. The book brought so many memories rushing back. Terms used only in the life of the NICU like isolette, BPD, Brady, Apnea, Desat, Pic line, RDS, IVH, ROP, PDA, Anemia, Jaundice, and so many others rattled my brain during my reading.
This is a picture of my son Alex on day 7 of his life. The first day we got to hold in in our arms. It also just so happen to be Thanksgiving 2002. Lots of blessings to be thankful for on that day.


This book was so moving and so dead on for what it is like to live with a child in the NICU. Their Alex spent over a YEAR on oxygen and IN THE NICU. Can you even imagine visiting the hospital every day for a year to visit your baby? And to think I moaned about 42 days! Jeff Stimpsons writing was so heartfelt it was as if I was living those moments with him. At times it was hard to follow but being so sleep deprived that what itwas like trying to hold a conversationwith Rick and I at times. His son Alex is six now and has been diagnosed with Autism. I HIGHLY suggest this book to anyone with a preemie or a sick child.
This is a recent picture of my preemie son Alex! Growing, changing, learning and just being Alex!


Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Relationships are always worth Restoring!
I have been reading the Purpose Driven Life and am on Day 30! Only 10 days left! However, I have read day 20 over and over, it really hit home with me. I thought maybe I should share some of my favorite lines. Maybe it will touch you too.... Maybe there is someone in your life that you need to go to and say your sorry. Rekindle that relationship, reach out and offer your forgiveness! I am working on saying I'm sorry.. And letting go of my hurts. In the big picture of LIFE it truly is not what matters.
Day 20
Purpose Driven Life
"Relationships are always worth restoring"
"Because life is all about learning how to love, God wants us to value relationships and make the effort to maintain them instead of discarding them whenever there is a rift, a hurt, or a conflict."
"Because life is all about learning how to love, God wants us to value relationships and make the effort to maintain them instead of discarding them whenever there is a rift, a hurt, or a conflict."
"If you want God's blessing on your life and you want to be known as a child of God, you must learn to be a peacemaker."
"Peacemakers are rare because peacemaking is hard work."
"Peacemakers are rare because peacemaking is hard work."
"In conflict, time heals nothing; it causes hurts to fester."
"A gentle response diffuses anger, but a sharp tongue kindles a temper-fire."
"Use your ears more than your mouth"
"If you listen to gossip, God says you are a troublemaker. "Troublemakers listen to troublemakers."
Question to Consider:
"Who do I need to restore a broken relationship with today?"
Monday, April 04, 2005
Pick up your Bible....
I have a confession to make.... I am a Bible Reading newbie! In all my 30 years I have never picked up the Bible and read it. It was not something my parents instilled in us. Well, honestly my parents taught us nothing. I know some stories from the Bible but mostly I feel like an idiot. SO, I have been praying and God told me I really needed to pick up and start learning. So, I am starting off with doing a 30 day reading plan put together by Rick Warren. God said less TV and computer and More reading of His Word. Last Night I read Matthew 1-9. I was scared out of my pants that I wouldn't have a clue what it was talking about! However, I did much better than I thought. I actually understood it, well at least some of it. I sat in bed and read it out loud. I find I comprehend things better when I read it out loud. I then took each section and broke it down making sure I understood it. I then tried to put it into my life. How does it fit me today. How can I apply this to my life? Sooo... This is my Verse of the day!
"The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had it's foundation on the rock." Matthew 7:25
What's your life built upon? Is it solid or will it crumble under bad weather?
The Babba's are gone for good!
We Did it.. FINALLY! The Bottle is officially gone... For good! I was worried I might melt under pressure and dig them out when Alex fell apart but he never actually got out of control. No food or water strike, no screaming for hours. I think he was ready and so was I. He is not drinking as much milk as he was but he is eating more! YEAH! Our nights have not improved yet.. He is still waking up often through the night, I think this may take a little longer to re-program. We are offering him very watered down milk during the night and will be switching to plain water this week! It wasn't half as bad as I expected it to be, Thank Goodness!
As for the potty training... Here today gone tomorrow! I think the 2 changes were to much for him as he quickly started refusing to sit on the potty and was freaking out. I do not want to force him to sit on it. I don't want melt downs about the potty or scare him away forever. I feel like he is still really young. SOO... We will wait a little while and try it again in a few months!
As for the potty training... Here today gone tomorrow! I think the 2 changes were to much for him as he quickly started refusing to sit on the potty and was freaking out. I do not want to force him to sit on it. I don't want melt downs about the potty or scare him away forever. I feel like he is still really young. SOO... We will wait a little while and try it again in a few months!
Friday, April 01, 2005
Where did my Baby go??
My son is LORD of the Bubba (bottle) - He is an ADDICT! Seriously... He LOVES his bubba and kept telling us he was a baby just so he could keep it. He also still wakes up numerous times a night to drink milk - he drinks anywhere from 10 - 20oz during the night! Last night he decided to throw one of his bottles in the trash........ OMG!!! SO, we went with it.. We made a big production of him being a BIG BOY. We then put his milk into a sippy cup. He was a little upset when we actually put him to bed but he finally fell asleep. He of course woke about 3 times during the night asking for a bubba. He was really upset when he didn't get the bubba, but eventually fell asleep. He did drink some from the sippy cup only about 4oz.!!! YIPPEE! Sooooo... noooo Bubba's today either!! They will NOT re-appear!
AND....... We had him in a t-shirt and night time diaper (it is warm here) for bedtime and he started pulling his diaper off. I told him if you pull it off you have to go pee pee in the potty. Well... He did 2x!! He managed to stay dry for 45 minutes!!!! We of course did put one on for the night. BUT... The first thing he did when he woke up was take it off and run to the potty where he emptied his bladder! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! He has had no diaper on for about 30 minutes now and so far we have gone potty and stayed dry!! YES!!!!!! This could be very exciting!!!
Bad news.... He woke up with his left ear draining! :( We just saw his Ped. On Wed. She said his ears were clear. Grrr... His tubes are still in but no longer working. The doctor is talking about doing surgery and removing the tubes putting in new ones and removing his tonsils. I called the doctor and am waiting for them to call me back! Ugh....
AND....... We had him in a t-shirt and night time diaper (it is warm here) for bedtime and he started pulling his diaper off. I told him if you pull it off you have to go pee pee in the potty. Well... He did 2x!! He managed to stay dry for 45 minutes!!!! We of course did put one on for the night. BUT... The first thing he did when he woke up was take it off and run to the potty where he emptied his bladder! YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!! He has had no diaper on for about 30 minutes now and so far we have gone potty and stayed dry!! YES!!!!!! This could be very exciting!!!
Bad news.... He woke up with his left ear draining! :( We just saw his Ped. On Wed. She said his ears were clear. Grrr... His tubes are still in but no longer working. The doctor is talking about doing surgery and removing the tubes putting in new ones and removing his tonsils. I called the doctor and am waiting for them to call me back! Ugh....
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