Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Alex off to Preschool!

Yep, it's official my son, my preemie, my miracle is growing up! I'm not sure when it happened but here is in front of my face running out the school doors screaming "Mama"! Art work in hand and back pack over his shoulders. His teacher is with him and "Ms Willy" tells me what a great day he had. Alex informs me loudly, that he went pee pee on the potty like a BIG boy. I start cracking up.. That's my boy.. Just like his Auntie the Bathroom Inspector. I offer up a high five to him and he just grins. (inside I am chuckling as this was a fear of mine since he is only recently potty trained - guess he read my mind). We climb into the truck where he shows me the smiley face stamps he got on his hands for being extra good. Then silence... I sit waiting for him to tell me all about preschool... I wait.. And wait... a mile goes by and he is just sitting there grinning looking out the window kicking his feet. (Doesn't he realize I am about to BURST with 1,000 questions?) Finally, I can't take it anymore and say so what did you do today?? He turns, gets a very serious look on his face and tells me, I ate cookies and lemonade and banana's. I said you did? Mama, I don't like banana's you know that, why would they have me eat them?? I start giggling and said did they make you eat them? No was his reply!
I then ask him about some of the kids and he told me he played trucks with black. (in my head I was thinking black?? Then it hit me.... ) You mean Blake honey? Mama, I said Black. Basically his attempt at saying Blake!! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................. Poor Blake, my son must walk around the classroom saying Black!

Alex seems to LOVE it.. No tears and practically runs into the classroom! Ah... I love that. I love the daily reports. Today he had to tell the teacher the name of 6 fruits, he got all of them right but Pears. Hmmm... Looks like we will have to spend some time in the produce isle! But, after that he named all the colors, named them all correctly, and matched them with no help!! Yippee... Smart boy!! Then for art he made a food collage.... The teachers had cut out food from a magazine. He then had to pick foods he wanted, name them, and glue them to a paper plate!! Alex had a bowl of soup, pizza, rice, corn, and salad!! I cracked up about the salad as the teacher wrote that Alex said he loves pizza but Mama eats salad!! Haaaaaaaa

Kids are just soo funny.... Almost 2 months until Alex turns 3! WOW!!!


M said...

Today was Owens first day at preschool too. :-)

Ana said...

WTG Alex, you are a big boy now!!
It's hard to see then grow up though, isn't it?

Heather/SHTEZQ said...

that is so cute! I remember Emmalee's first day then i blinked and she is now in first. it goes so quick. he was a preemie? how early?