Tuesday, June 07, 2005

30 hours and No Pepsi

My battle over my Pepsi addiction has been hard to beat. I have officially gone 30 hours with no soda! This is a small step for man-kind but a giant leap for Martha. The good news is I have no money to buy more!!! I read this today from Joyce Meyer and it sealed my attempt to again rid Pepsi from my life.

Victory Over Addictions
"The Lord God is my Strength, my personal bravery, and my invincible army; He makes my feet like hinds' feet and will make me to walk [not to stand still in terror, but to walk] and make [spiritual] progress upon my high places [of trouble, suffering, or responsibility]!"
Habakkuk 3:19

"Do you have any addictions?An addiction is anything that controls a person anything he feels he cannot do without to relieve pain. The pain may be physical, mental, or emotional. Often addictive behavior is an attempt to hide from reality to put off dealing with issues that hurt.Addictions are not limited to substance abuse. Except for cigarettes, most of my addictions did not fall under the heading of substance abuse. I was addicted to reasoning, worry, judgment, compliments, self-pity, pouting, control, and work.When I realized I was addicted to these things and determined I was going to break my addictions and discipline myself, everything was great until the pain started. If I had not had the inner strength of the Lord to withstand the pain, I would have once again given in to the addictions which would have relieved the pain but would have started the cycle all over again.God does not just want to give you strength He wants to be your strength. Let Him help you break your addictions."

Do This:
Make a decision today that you are addicted to Jesus and His precepts that all other addictions in your life will vanish one by one.


Ana said...

WTG Martha! 30 hours! I hope you can beat your addiction, I'm sure you will!

M said...

Rock on, Martha! You are a positive influence on us all! m.

Anonymous said...

Your honesty and ability to communicate your life is wonderful and inspiring to me...Way to go on kicking the Pepsi among other things! Love you, Elizabeth