Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Day 8 the next test!

Day 8 Sleep Shuffle Wednesday Night 5-10-06
Night 2 NO MILK!

8:20pm - Kissed good night and told him I would sit at my computer and before I could say more he asked if I would check on him every 5 minutes. LOL.. I agreed I would and left with him fussing at me.

8:26pm - Amazing how quickly he picks up a new sleep crutch for an old one! He cried and wanted me to again to sit just outside the door. I told him he's a big boy and I am right down the hall and he can do it. I again kissed him good night.

8:38pm - I turned my head and saw Alex laying silently right outside his door with his pillow and blanket staring at me. We made an agreement that he could lay on his floor but was NOT allowed to leave his room. I rolled up a towel and told him that was his gate, that if he crossed it without permission I would get the real gate out from storage. He took his pillow, blanket and dog and made a bed right behind the towel. Kissed him good night...... Again..............

8:46pm - Alex yells out "Mama I can't fluff my blanket to cover my feet help me". I walk in cover him up and tell him to go to sleep.

9:08pm - Went to check on floor, awake but quiet! We exchanged no words...

9:30pm - Asleep on floor, I picked him up and moved him to his bed. He did not wake up!

12:26am - Alex comes into my room, I walk him back he begs to me to lay on the floor. I repeat go to sleep I'll come check on you in 5 minutes.

5:00am - I cannot believe he actually slept until now! It's a miracle. Spent about 1 min. Crying about wanting milk until Rick yelled from his bed "Alex your okay". It's been silent since then. He told me milk and the sun do not go together. LOL....

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