Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Night 4 - the slide....

Day 4 - Saturday Night 5-6-06 We went to Market Street today so when we arrived home this afternoon Alex was exhausted yet refused to nap. He took forever to settle down over an hour. In fact I ended up falling asleep on the floor before he fell asleep, But hey at least it was in the hallway and not in his bed!! Rick was outside working and didn't realize I had fallen asleep so we both slept way longer than we should have. Waking up at 5:15. Shoot...... I pushed back bed time by 30 minutes and lights out at 8:30. He was WIRED and over stimulated, over tired and wound up! I had to bring him back to bed 5 times before he even fell asleep. He FINALLY crashed at almost 10:00pm.

The night... Was horrible.. He started his wake up routine at 11:30 and it continued all night long with me spending 98% of my night on the hallway floor and NOT in my bed. He screamed for milk.. Which I finally gave him. Cried for Daddy.. And even moved his pillow and blankets to the edge of the doorway to get closer to me and slept there the rest of the night! It was UGLY....

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