Friday, May 27, 2005

Before I was a Mom

My Friend Shannon started a great post this morning and I felt the need to copy it to my blog and add some of my own!

These are Shannon's:

Before I was a mom...

Before I was a mom I thought it was hard to get up at 7AM for classes, now my kids get up at 6:45 everyday and wake me up. You get used to it eventually right?

Before I was a mom, my friend had a baby boy and told me how she loved him instantly and that it was the most powerful love you'll ever feel. I thought sure she loves her kid, but now I know what it feels like to have your heart outside of your body and to feel as if you are one with another little being.

Before I was a mom I hated getting sick, but now it tears me up to see my children ill or hurting. Now if I get sick we have to call in reinforcements to care for the family and that is only if I am really really sick.

Before I was a mom I used to judge parents who I saw with their kids that may have been throwing a tantrum or screaming. I used to assume they must be bad parents. Well now I am sometimes the one with the screaming toddler pulling against my hand because they don't want to go where we need to or won't stay out of the street.

Before I was a mom other parents would tell me how hard it was, so often that I tried of hearing about it. It was not going to change the fact that I wanted a baby. When my son was about 1 year I told an expecting mom how hard it was and then immediately apologized!

Before I was a mom I would have had lots of time to think of things to type, but you know... :)

These are Mine:

Before I was a Mom, I would have never given up my life to save his.

Before I was a Mom, I would have never walked around with snot on my shoulder and been okay with it.

Before I was a Mom, I would have NEVER talked about bodily functions with other people.

Before I was a Mom, I use to stare at people when they picked up their child and sniffed there bottoms.

Before I was a Mom, I actually slept in the same bed as my husband.

Before I was a Mom, I was organized.

Before I was a Mom, I always got a shower - every day!

Before I was a Mom, I saw all the movies I wanted in the theater.

Before I was a Mom, I went shopping for me.

Before I was a Mom, I always had clean laundry.

Before I was a Mom, I worked out.

Before I was a Mom, I would have never driven a Mini Van and now I want one!

Before I was a Mom, I wouldn't have been caught dead singing the Barney song.

Before I was a Mom, I said a Thousand "When I am a Mother I will never do that" and now I do.

Before I was a Mom, I never thought I would be staying at home with him.

Before I was a Mom, I would have never imagined How badly I could hurt for another while watching them suffer.

Before I was a Mom, I thought potty training was easy.

Before I was a Mom, my husband and I got frisky when ever, where ever we wanted.

Before I was a Mom, I thought my Mom was crazy.

Before I was a Mom, I had a garbage mouth.

Before I was a Mom, I never worried about a hangover.

Before I was a Mom, I never worried about lack of sleep.

Before I was a Mom, my love was selfish.

Before I was a Mom, I had no idea how much Jesus loved me.

And then my Friend Stacy Added These:

Before I was a mom I never peed my pants while sneezing!

Before I was a mom I never squirted breast milk all over the place when I took my bra off.

Before I was a mom I never had anyone tell me I am the bestest mommy ever.

Before I was a mom I would have NEVER picked another persons nose!

Before I was a mom I would have never wiped another persons butt!

Before I was a mom I would have never had soggy cereal and burnt toast as breakfast in bed!

Before I was a mom I never had a friend like Martha!

1 comment:

M said...

I identify with these! Thanks for the post! :-D m.