Sunday, February 13, 2005

"Deep Thoughts By Martha"

Deep Thoughts.......................... I have been having those a lot lately. I even quoted my Pastor on the phone to my Mother this morning. I have always been an extremely emotional person. When I was younger my Brothers would say.. "ohh there she goes again with the water works". I have always felt things deeper and at a different level then most in my family and most people I know. However.. The past week I have had this new connection with those emotions. They are suddenly not so out of control and spontaneous. I am in touch with them. It's an amazing feeling.
I am what some may call a "fixer". When someone is injured it is my job to kiss it better, or tell them how to heal it faster. When someone is sick I am quick to run to the store to get medication and "mother" them well. When someone is hurting I try to offer sound advice or a resolution. So it's so hard when someone I love is hurting a deep deep hurt and I can do nothing to help them but Pray. I KNOW I should find comfort in this... And I KNOW that Praying IS doing something. BUT, what do you say when they say they are beyond Prayer? Do you pray even harder? The "fixer" in me is stumped.. The "fixer" in me is hurting for them.. The "fixer" in me is going to pray, it's all I know how to do.

My amazing Husband is having minor break through's... I am so excited. His connection to Jesus is getting louder and louder and louder. I feel he is becoming so close to accept Christ as his Savior. Tonight, we had 2 things happen that. First, I was sitting in my chair crying, tears pouring down my cheeks for my friend who is hurting. My amazing Husband got down on his knees and clasped my hands and asked me to pray with him. Then later on this evening he was telling me about his co-workers son who is very sick and has been for awhile now. He said Honey we really need to pray for him and add him to our daily prayer list.
HELLO....... My.. MY.. MY Husband just asked me to pray with him! HALLELUJAH!

1 comment:

Ana said...

That is great Martha! I hope he continues his journey to Jesus and I'm sure that will only make your marriage even better than it already is!